Fetishes & Kinks #1

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Bryck had fallen asleep while going over his student’s homework assignments and the hour ran by while he was sleeping—tired from the long weekend and work and his husband’s troublesome ways of getting him naked and sexually frustrated. He hadn’t been this tired in a long time, aside from when finals were around. He didn’t know that his body would have crashed on him so suddenly, but then, he also didn’t plan and being awakened by something fondling his crotch. He stirred from his slumber, which was conveniently in his room on his bed. Bryck opened his eyes to see his laptop gone, his papers stacked neatly on the nightstand and a pair of freshly done toes rubbing the bulge at his crotch. His cheeks instantly went pink, because he hadn’t noticed how arousing this was and that Westley had done all this and he still hadn’t woken up. “Huh, finally awake baby?” his voice sounded cocky, but when did it not. Bryck tsked and pulled himself up straighter. “What the fuxk Westley?”

He shrugged. “I wanted to test something out.”

“Oh really, and… ah.” He bit his bottom lip, then reached out to grab Westley’s ankle.

“I wanted to see if foot fetish was something we could get into. I mean, sex isn’t fun without having some kinky fetishes involved. Don’t you think so babe?” he shook his hand off of his ankle and pressed the front of his foot against the bulge that Bryck was displaying. He hissed and grabbed it again. “Let go, let me see how I can make you come.”

“West, as much as the thought is enticing, I need to finish working.”

“You have been asleep for around four hours because that was when I was trying to call. Clearly, you need a little break. Come on, humor me?” he asked with a sweet smile. His other foot rubbed Bryck softly, his eyes intent on getting the bulge in his pants to become harder. Bryck exhaled heavily. His eyes fluttering just so much that he couldn’t fully see Westley’s feet. “Damnit. Baby please… ah, don’t… don’t stop.” He ran his fingers back through his hair and leaned back as he spread his legs wider. His body was getting hot, cheeks flaring red, neck painted in the color, and body shivering as he began to rotate his hips. Westley rubbed harder, his toes squeezing down on his husband's erection. “Baby, fuxk… can you not—.” he gripped the sheets and swore as he felt his body come alive with jolts of pleasure, then he felt a stickiness in his pants. “These are clean pants.” He breathed out, his skin on fire.

Westley looked down and bit the inside of his mouth and mumbled. “They were clean pants.” Bryck opened his eyes and swore. “Westley you piece of shit!” he pinched the bridge of his nose then sighed. “Whatever. Just… fuxk. I’ll wash it just move your feet?” he tried to move them but Westley stopped him. “No, we’re not done yet… you haven’t finished taking a load off. You’re still stressed.”

“Yeah over my fuxking pants that you made me soil.”

“Sorry, and I will clean them.” He moved his feet then knelt up on the bed. He moved towards his man then placed his hands at his hips and lowered himself onto his belly and began to mouth at Bryck crotch. He exclaimed and swore as he grasped a handful of Westley’s hair and yanked his head up. “Fuxk you.”

“Ah, that hurts babe.” His fingers slipped away and Westley went back to what he was doing. Bryck shivered and reached for his hair again, but this time he ran his hands over it as he egged him on.

Westley hummed against him, his teeth grazing over his crotch wetting it further. Bryck couldn’t have cared less about his pants then, for the pleasure he was having was much more worth it. Westley got his fingers working, he undid the pants and then tugged them lower as he closed his mouth over the outline of Bryck’s cock. Bryck’s back arched and he inhaled sharply. “Holy shit! Oh, baby, fuxk!” he let Westley’s hair go, his hand in his hair as he bit his lip, tears slipping from his eyes as Westley used his teeth against the head of his cock. He murmured something against his cock then pulled back the waistline of the boxers, seeing the mess he made earlier. He lapped it up slowly, Bryck bit the tip of his tongue. “So nasty baby.” Westley chuckled and nodded. “Only for you Bryston.” he slowly took the head oh, his penis into his mouth then began sucking, his slurping noises making them both quiver with excitement. Bryck gasped, goosebumps covering his skin. “Urgh, baby! I’m cumming!” he said. His eyes slipped closed and he pushed Westley’s head down lower on his length, Westley had to adjust so he didn’t choke after gagging when welcomed to Bryck’s entire cock. He sucked harder then he felt Bryck still and gasped himself as the thickness of his cum ran down his throat. Westley groaned, his eyes watering while he bobbed his head as much as he could with Bryck still holding him down, his own eyes glazed over in ecstasy. His own orgasm was coming while he was pleasuring his husband. His cheeks tinted pink as he moaned when Bryck finally let him up for air. He gasped, gulping in oxygen as he sat up and wiped his eyes. “Fuxk!” he panted.

“Shit, did I hurt you, West?”

He shook his head in reply. “No,” his voice was hoarse, “I’m good, damn that was hot.” his glassy blue eyes looked up at Bryck’s and he covered his eyes in embarrassment. Westley laughed and reached up to uncover them. “I feel so dirty for enjoying that.”

“Why babe? My father actually has a foot fetish, and my mom indulges him. Kinks and fetishes aren’t anything to fear… Unless it’s disgusting and fuxking nasty as hell. But this wasn’t. I just took a shower before I woke you—like I said, you were sleeping for a long time. You must have really been tired babe, you barely moved when I got in. Sorry about your pants though. I will wash them.” He smirked and Bryck shoved him back. “Well, since I’m already dirty and you made a mess in your boxers, I think I should repay the debt.” he blushed and Bryck snickered. “Don’t think I didn’t notice when you came. I might have been blinded by my orgasm, but yours was evident when you gagged on my cock.”

“What do you mean, I normally do that.”

“Then why are your boxers soiled?”

“That was all your fault.”

He laughed. “Mine? Aren’t you the one that started this? You teased me and then you got me aroused… I even had two orgasms… at least you enjoyed yourself.”

“Shut up.” His face red as he buried it between Bryck’s thighs. Bryck rested his hands on his husband’s head and chuckled.

“Baby?” Bryck said. Westley muffled a reply and Bryck rolled his eyes playfully. “Come on honey, talk to me.” He tried to lift his head, but Westley was being stubborn. “Hey, I won’t boast about how I made you cum without even doing anything but allowing you to give me a simple blowjob… and I wasn’t even the one that asked for it… maybe I should repay you.” Westley lifted his head and was about to reply, when Bryck pulled him up and crushed their lips together. He moaned into his mouth as their tongues met—Bryck tasting himself on his husband’s tongue. He nipped Westley’s bottom lip, worrying it with his teeth before he pushed him back and shoved him down to the bed. He straddled his hips and smirked down at him, a wicked glint in his eyes from the light eliminating above them. He bent to take his lips again, his body arched over the younger man’s form as they kissed. Westley brought his hands up to hold him close, his nails at Bryck’s back as they enjoyed each other’s passionate kiss.

Bryck pulled back suddenly, causing Westley to fall back to the bed with wide eyes. “Babe?”

“Shut up.” He stood up, Westley’s eyes following him as he stripped off his pants and boxers and moved to do the same to him. “I want you. do you want me just as bad as I want you?” Westley smirked, then glanced down at the erection before him.

“Well, why don’t you come closer and find out.” Bryck stepped up to him, where he sat at the edge of the bed and allowed himself to be pulled in close to the warm body of his husband. He ran a hand through his dark curls and touched his forehead to Westley’s. “I love you, Westley.”

“I love you too Bryston.”

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