Happy Anniversary

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The first year of our marriage has finally come and I have a great surprise for my beautiful husband.

Bryck has been stressed from work lately, and being a teacher never came with peace of mind and a small work load. So, moving on... He's been extra busy and extremely tired as of late, so I normally would give him a massage to relax, and then cuddle him to sleep (which he took a liking to) and well, sex between us has been... strained... To say the least and my hand just isn't cutting it anymore. So there's a two week break coming up and I pray our children are far, far away from us or I'll just ship them far away, so that my husband can enjoy me and himself for at least a week until he has to return to prison—I mean school.

I have one whole day to prepare the house and secure the children to be as far away from us as they possibly can be, so that is why I am currently on the phone with my mother telling her all of this so she can pack her things for the week so she can get the kids away at our weekend mansion... in England. The girls will love it British boys and castle tours from our ancestors. So by tomorrow morning they'll be on a private flight to another country and I'll be fuxking my husband at long last!

I was ready like Freddy and I just couldn't wait. The night came with a lot of hustling and bustling, getting the children's outfits set and dragging their bags down the stairs to the front door so it'll be less hassle in the morning when the cars come for them, and well, you know the teens were all hyped and excited about going away, British boys, French boys and the food... God, I raised mini versions of myself, in some ways I'm proud of that but I on another hand, I'm scared for their state of mind. Ha, guess I should expect alot of grandkids.

I shook my head from the thoughts once I saw Jayceon running up to me naked, trailing water after him... then a flustered Bryck running after him with a towel in hand. I laughed at my four year old and shook my head. "Catch him West!"

Jayceon was picking up speed as he came my way, his giggling infectious as he ran buck naked and free from his dad. I held back my amusement at this situation and opted to help my husband out. "Come here naked baby!" he squealed in joy as he tried to bypass me, but I was faster and I caught his small nude form by his underarm. He cried out in laughter, his cheeks red as he wiggled about in my arms. I laughed at him and playfully bit his cheek. He put his small pale hands over my mouth and shook his head, his wet curls wetting me in the process. I fixed him in my arms and set my hand ontop of his blond afro so he'd stop wetting me.

Bryck walked up to us and narrowed his eyes at the naked child in my arms. "You're such a handful." he huffed.

"No!" he declared with a chuckle. I couldn't help but smile at him. He was as wicked as I was. I raised him well.

"Come on Jay-Jay, let's get you dried up."

"No!" he tried his best to burrow himself against my chest and gripped my shirt, his face against my arm. I rolled my eyes at his antics and grinned at Bryck.

"He's my blood, yet he favors you more. Why is that?"

"Well, my biological kids favor you more, so I guess we're even then."

"Yeah, well you dry him off." he threw the towel at my face and walked off as it fell to the floor. I stared at him with a straight face and shook my head.

"You're such a dick." I said.

He turned around and grabbed his crotch. "And what?" then he gracefully whipped back around and went downstairs. Asshole. I sighed down at the damp child in my arms and sighed. "Why didn't you make daddy dry you off?"

"Daddy tired." he said looking at me with his big hazel-green eyes. I nodded, even the kids saw it.

"Well, you aren't wrong there." I bent to pick up the towel. "Come on runaway baby, let's get you dried and dressed for bed." he yawned largely and cuddled up to my shirt more, making it dampen further. I chuckled softly, such a little handful.

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