Water play

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Westley had just pulled into the driveway after a long Friday night of working. It was nearly eleven pm, but he had gone in to work at six am because he wanted to get some important files and letters done. He didn’t know the day would have dragged on like it did and he was thankful to now be walking into his home. He locked door and dropped his suitcase to the side table by the stairs. He huffed out. He had wanted to sleep so badly, but he needed a shower to wash away his stressful day. He kicked off his shoes by the bottom of the stairs and began making his way up the stairs in a groggy manner.

The house was so quiet, it was unlike the normalcy he knows, the teenagers normally didn’t go to bed until after one am on a Friday and weekend but he heard no sound of his children. Any other father would have checked in on them, but he was too tired for it. Bryck had been home from work since Friday was a school holiday and so he trusted the kids to be alright. He pushed in the door of his bedroom to see an empty bed, made up nicely and a discarded pair of sweatpants and a vest on the edge of the dark purple sheets pulled neatly over the end of the bed. His eyes searched for any other trace of his husband as he loosened his tie, just then a ray a light caught his gaze. It was coming from underneath the bathroom door. He toed off his socks and tugged his tie looser. He unbuckled his belt and left it open as he walked towards the light.

Maybe Bryck was taking a shower, he thought, and maybe he would join him.

Westley pushed in the door and his cheeks reddened at the breathtaking sight of his husband lying in a bath of bubbles, candles lighting the room with their soft glow. His face was relaxed, his growing blond hair was pulled back into a small tuff at the nap of his neck.

In that moment Bryck looked so beautiful to him. He hesitated as he stepped inside, maybe he had a hard day and should be left alone… but then maybe, maybe he needed company. While Westley’s mind had a conflict with its urges his feet were taking him closer to his naked husband.

Bryck shifted in the warm water of his bubble bath, he needed this after his tiring day of playing daddy alone. The kids were out of the house and Westley sadly wasn’t home yet. His mind had drifted off to daydream of what would happen if his husband were home and with him in the tub. “Enjoying the water?” Bryck jumped at the voice suddenly audible in his bathroom, splashing water about the floor at his fast movements.

His eyes found Westley and he glared. “What the fuck you perv?”

Westley snickered. “I’m your husband and this is my bathroom too.”

Bryck was thankful that the orange glow from the candles masked his red cheeks or else he’d have to explain how embarrassingly excited he was. Westley yawned and rubbed his eyes, he was still really tired from work but he wanted to take a shower.

“Why are you home so late?”

“Huh, oh… I had a lot of paperwork for this new business deal. And I was writing so it took a long time to finish. Why’d you ask? Did you miss me?” he chuckled.

“What if I said no?” Westley walked closer to the tub. “What if I say you’re lying.” his soft blue eyes were sharp even though he was tired.

“Well, think what you may, but if you’re going to just stand there I rather you not.”

Westley shrugged. “Hmm, then I’ll just join you.”

He began undoing the buttons on his dress shirt. “I really wanna take a shower, but you’re occupying the tub so I guess I’ll just have to join you.”

Bryck’s cheeks burnt red. “But… There’s a shower behind you. You don’t need to get in with me.” Westley stopped midway, then looked down at his husband.

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