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Ok, so this is to the person whom made "Demond in the Chruch".


Yeah...I'm jus that weird...and fridgen' sick 😫 damn u sickness -.- anyways I'm fricken itchay as crap ._. Idk why XD and *sneezes* ~_~ rlly nigga -.- DAMN U TOO SNEEZE, PUTTING SPIT ALL OVER ME UGH!, lol aaaanywaaaaays, so in my Panther Time class (For school) we have to like...make these things and put them on the door, but, I got Easter, an' guess what's by Easter??? MY FRIDGEN' BIRFDAY lel XD I'm so random, I honestly think I'm mental ._.

Ok, so, a long time ago this girl at my school (Phebe) told my crush (Kole) that I liked him (OVER THE DAMN PHONE!!!) but, imma tell ya the story ._. It started out as me being after school and then Phebe and this other girl (Can't remember her name) they were talking to me and I honestly don't like Phebe...Jus' sayin' (If you reading this Phebe (or friends and family of Phebe) I don't really like you ._. Jus' sayin') ok, so I accidentally told Phebe and the other girl (I'm jus gonna call her C(the other girl)) but, I accidentally told them I liked Kole, then Phebe was all like "I'm gonna call him", ok, let's get this straight...IM GOING TO FRIDGEN KILL YOU BRUH!!!, Jus sayin 💁, ok, so They were talking, had da yadda yadda, after the call she was all like, OH! BTW, AMERICA LIKES YOU!!! And then she hung up, I was so freaking scared and nervous, like it wasn't even funny, even talking about it makes my stomach turn 😫, ok, so he gets there and then she tried making me stay there, I was all like NUH, NUH BRUH I was freaking scared.

So then the next day, he talked to me (we had to be partners)and was like "Look, I know what happened yesterday was scary, but it doesn't mean we don't have to stop being friends, right?" I was fridgen' BLUSHING! And was like "Yeah" 😍 omg, he is so cute :3, anyways, so a couple of days later (1month or somin' *sneezes twice* DAMMIT!(Later)) Everyone got their schedules changed, Kole missed that day, came back the next day and was mad af, because he didn't want to change classes, a couple of more days later *in band* he walked up to me and Maggie, and was like "So a lil' birdie *points head toward Maggie* told me-" Then Maggie said something and he was like "Anyways a lil' birdie told me *cough cough, points head towards Maggie* told me, you were mad at me because I haven't said hi to you at all, hi" I was like "😳 I'm not mad at you, just a little disappointed in you" and he was like "Ok" and then I patted his hair and he was like "Becarful, someone *cough cough* (I forgot her name 😫) put ice cream in my hair" and then I was like "Kole, I don't think ice cream is a hair product XD" and then he was like "IKR!?" And then yeah

So anyways *sneezes twice* DAMMIT!!! I hate my sneeze, I sound so damn weird, but yeah...I dunno what else to talk about, only things running through my mind is 'is Kole sad because I'm not there?', 'Is lee-lee is at school?', 'How did I get sick?', and 'I miss everyone 😫' even school bruh 💁, even school...

I'm so board 😫 *runs to the bathroom*, sorry, I had to go pee 😔😌 lel. Well, I'm blushing, or I think I am...when I looked in the mirror my face was red...oh well, well guys, Imma go get sum ice cream for my throat, BUH BYE :3

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