Road Trip

42 3 8

Me and my family went to Jordan, and TRIED! To go to the biggest candy store in Minnesota... But it was shut down ;-;

BUT! It's ok! Because we got to see a movie, I got CANDY!!!!/4$;'vkrfmkm&3-&4.&&34;934&9.okceorckoerckoerc! AAAAND! I am got some good footage of the Road Trip...

We were going to also go to the Green Giant statue, but, you can't stop on the free way... So...


:3 anyways! I just wanted to say HAI! And yeah, no more trolling yew guys ;D sowwy about dat...

I'm going to be leaving soon though... For my Washington trip...

Meeeeh! I'll take pictures though! A-And, I'll make an Instagram just for my Wattpad account, and I'll post the pictures..

I WUV YEW! "Shaddap!" BUT ITS TREWWWW! "*slaps with fish*" OW! WUT WAZ DAT FOWER?! "Because you're being really annoying" B-BUT I AM JUS SAYING I WUV YEW! "O.O" I WUV YEW!!! YOU BETTER WUV ME TEW!!! ICEMCIDMVKDSMCKSDCMI DAMMIT!!! WUV ME!!! ";-;"

Lel, I dunno wut dat was guys...

Well, bye! Imma... Go... Eat mah candy I got from the dollar store...

BAHAAAAIIIII! (Another awesome YouTuber)

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