There was silence as the members looked at each other. They didn't want to admit it was them or didn't know it was them.

"It's fine. I got it out." I said after no one responded. They looked guilty but suspicious of each other.

"Mama." Taehyun said as he walked towards me. He had been playing with the the Dream members.

I placed the mop back on the cart before taking off my gloves. When he saw that I didn't have the gloves on, he grabbed two of my finger and pulled me along with him.

"Look." He said as he pointed to a phone on the floor. It had a kids show on it that had the famous red fuzzy body and white round eyes. The cartoon moved with the puppeteers that weren't shown on the show.

"Wow." I said pretending to be amazed. "Do you like that show? Mommy can put it on the TV at home. Would you like that?"

Taehyun grinned happily as he nodded. "Yes, mama." He answered me before wrapping his arms around my legs and hugged me from his height.

Renjun picked up his phone and placed it on the bench so that Taehyun wasn't hunched over it.

I scooted Taehyun back to not ruin his eyesight and sat him down. He seemed very interested in the show and mesmerized by the red puppet with his big yellow bird friend and blue fuzzy friend with the big round nose.

"He's a really tiny baby. The way he sits and stares. He's cute." Jisung said before his massive hand carefully patted Taehyun's head as if his hand would accidentally crush Taehyun.

"You are also a baby." Chenle said.

Jisung just gave a closed lipped smile before retracting his hand away from Taehyun.

"Food is here." Yuta announced. Their manager brought in door before he left to wherever he needed to be.

Yuta carried over the many bags with the help of Johnny. They started gathering around the center of the room as they laid the food out.

They had fried rice, pizza, and lasagna in the containers. Taeyong cut up the lasagna in good sizes for easy taking.

"Seomin, Taehyun. Come eat." Jeno said as he guided Taehyun to the food. Taehyun broke his gaze from Renjun's phone and noticed the food.

"Mum mum." Taehyun said happily before patting his belly. The guys laughed at his gesture before giving him food first.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked him. He looked around at the food in front of him and decided on lasagna.

Taeyong got a slice out and handed a paper plate to him with a plastic fork. "Enjoy, Taehyunie." He said.

Taehyun picked up the fork and jabbed the pasta, but he wasn't sure how to cut it himself to get the part to separate from the whole lasagna slice.

I took the fork from him and slices the lasagna into bite sized portions for him to easily get them with the fork. Once I did that, he easily ate the lasagna.

"Yummy?" I asked him. He nodded with a mouth full of lasagna, or what looked like it because his chubby cheeks made it hard to decipher if it was food pockets or just his cheeks.

"So you're our age?" Renjun asked me when everyone had gotten their food. I had just gotten a slice of pizza.

I nodded. "I am." I replied.

Lowkey - Mark Lee NCT AU (completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя