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My feet dangled over the side of the boat, ocean spray hitting my toes as Kai drove the boat further out to sea. A few days had passed of us being at sea and Kai had said that we were getting close. The boat lurched and a few minutes later, Kai came to sit beside me, leaning back on the palms of his hands.

I glanced over at him and he cast me a smirk which I shook off. The sun set off to our left, dousing the sea in bright pinks and oranges, the stars showing their faces. I laid back, staring up at the sky as the stars shone above me. Kai followed suite, pointing up at a few. "When Nya and I were little, our dad would take us outside camping and we'd make up constellations."

"What happened to her?" I asked gently, my voice a whisper.

My stomach churned in regret at he clenched his fists and closed his eyes with a sigh. "It's a bit of a long story, but she gave herself up protecting our world from the Cursed Realm. She died by saving us all."

"I never got to know her. I mean, I grew up with you guys. Granted, you were off saving the world and I was... occupied otherwise." My breath hitched as Kai's hands found mine. "Does it hurt knowing you guys missed out on some of your childhood?"

His fingers intertwined with mine, thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand. I felt my face burn, but my eyes wandered among the deep dark sky. "Destiny is a jerk. Yeah, of course. But I still wouldn't give up the times I've had with the team for anything. Plus, we've saved the world a few times."

I scoffed, sitting up. "I'd be willing to give anything to not have the teenage years I had."

Kai sat up beside me, his eyes meeting mine. "You're a better person because of it."

With a harsh breath in, I pulled my hand back from his and stood. I left, only to return moments later with our cots from the shed and the raggedy blankets. Using my foot, I pushed them up against the side railing of the boat before flopping down on mine. The sloshing of waves against the hull lulled me into a peaceful state, half asleep.

In minutes, I was asleep and was unaware of Kai throwing a blanket over me before falling asleep on his cot next to mine.

I awoke with a lurch, nightmares lingering around the corners of my eyes. Blanket slung around my shoulders, I sat up, finding Kai behind the wheel to the boat. I wandered over, looking out over the ocean to see an island appearing on the horizon.

"Well, good morning sunshine. Sleep well?"

My mind drifted back to the nightmare which was now fuzzy and not memorable. "Well enough."

A few hours later, we pushed the small boat up onto the shore of Chen's island. The place was serene and quiet, almost suspiciously. Kai cast a glance around before pulling me through the giant doors and into the abandoned palace.

I spun a circle, marveled by all the extravagance of it all. "Chen did all this while he was exiled?"

"Yeah, the evil cult leader." Kai spat and furrowed his brows at me. "You're not getting a tour, cupcake. We need that crystal."

"I'm coming." My hand rested on my gun and sparks flew from Kai's fingers, alert. I followed him back further into the palace, a hidden door sliding open as he pushed a button quickly.

A slim, narrow tunnel lead forwards, dark and dreary. All was quiet as we crept forward, coming out in an open arena. I pushed Kai gently, my hand resting on his shoulder as he froze, finding himself face to face with his team.

"Ready?" He whispered to me and I unholstered my gun.

Lloyd stood, masked, before us and ready to engage in battle. "Don't do this, Kai."

"You're better than this!" Jay called from his place off to the right.

"Don't tell me what to do Lloyd. You're just a kid, and you wouldn't ever understand." Kai growled as I pointed my gun up.

"I understand plenty. I'd give anything to get my father back, but I wouldn't turn against my team like this."

"You'll understand when I get Nya back."

"Just listen to him, Kai!" Cole yelled and bared his scythe in our direction.

"Detective, you fall this helping?!" Jay demanded in a disbelieving voice. I turned to trail my gun on him and I sighed.

"I'm afraid you don't have all the details, Master Jay. I made a promise I intend to keep."

"To Kai?" He grumbled in disbelief.

Kai growled and threw fire at Lloyd, who quickly dodged to the side. I spun to Lloyd, aiming and with a wince, fired.

I watched as he threw up an energy shield, the bullet bouncing off. I fired again, the bullet flying towards the green ninja, ricocheting and like a boomerang, flying back towards me.

I crumbled to the ground limply, my chest exploding outwards. Everything went fuzzy as I heaved for air and reached upwards for a hold on anything. A yell met my ears as a hand found my outstretched one, a face slowly coming closer to mine until I could make out Kai's features. I gagged and gasped, writhing on the floor for air as my lungs filled with blood.

Kai held my head and pulled me upwards onto his lap, tears streaming down his face an onto mine. I gasped and placed a hand on his face.
My lungs filled with short shallow breaths as I lifted myself enough to barley press a kiss to his lips and fall again.


My hand slid away from his face as my life leaked onto the floor.

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