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To say Kai was angry was an understatement.

To say Kai was hurt was even more so.

His hands clung to her ratted uniform, his body shaking as tears fled from his eyes. Around him, his teammates kneeled and bowed their heads.

He watched. He watched as the life drained from her eyes and blood poured from her chest. He screamed and yelled, telling her no she wasn't allowed to leave him, too. His fists pounded against the ground, furious like a child.

"No! No!"

He tugged on his hair with a hand and shook his head as if he could wake himself from this nightmare. He took her shoulders in his hands and gave a slight wiggle to wake her, too. "This can't be- it's just a dream. Just a dream. Wake up. Wake up, baby." He whimpered as his voice turned into a blubbering cry. "Please. Come on."

Shaking and trembling, Kai placed his head on her lifeless body, wishing she would stand again to be by his side. "Please please..." he begged to no avail, his hands becoming slick with the blood from the wound that had taken her life. He brushed the hair from her face and held her tight, praying to whomever would listen to him that she would come back.

Grief took the boy by the shoulders and seized whatever was left of his crumbled and crushed heart. His drive, his passion fell as grief swarmed his heart as he lost another to his selfishness.

He could have saved her if he tried. He could have saved them both if he had just tried harder.

One dared to speak to him, taking a step closer and reaching his hand out. "Kai, please come home." He begged and pleaded, wishing for his friend and brother to return to him.

Her body was gently placed back on the floor before her gun was pulled away from her and into his grasp. The fire elemental stood and faced the younger boy dressed in green. His hand shuddered as he leveled the gun at him. "How could you?" He demanded, voice like a dagger.

"It wasn't my fault, Kai. I would never-"

"But you did." Kai took a step forward, head inclined as he looked down at Lloyd. "You did this." With shaking hands and a broken spirit, he cried and wept. "She was helping me. She suffered so much and I was going to bring back her brother for her."

Jay looked away from the body that was sprawled across the pavement to his teammate. "But Nya-"

"I was moving on, Jay. She taught me that." His fists enveloped in flames and his eyes lit with a fiery passion that couldn't be matched. "You don't understand."

All eyes watched as he closed his eyes with a deep breath in before pointing the gun slathered with blood to Lloyd. "Leave. Now. Before I do something I'll regret later."

"Kai, please-"

"I said leave!" He yelled, the fire from his fists traveling up his arms. The team gathered together, cowering from the monster that was once their friend.

"I'm sorry." Kai muttered and slapped the tears away from his face with a hand. "I really am. But I'm trying to make it right. Just trust me, please." He begged to his friends as he met their eyes.

One by one, they stood a little straighter with soft smiles. "Come back to us. When you're done. You're still our friend."

Kai shook his head and chuckled under his breath. "I don't deserve that. Go home. Please."

He was left all alone again. All that kept him company was the silent dead body of another whom he loved. Tears blurring his vision, he swept a hand over her face to close her eyes before pressing a kiss to her now cold forehead.

"I'm gonna make this right. I promise."

Steeling his will and the little drop of passion left in him, he stood and faced the lights.

I awoke.

In a flash, my hands found my chest where just moments before, a bullet had found my lung. To my surprise, I touched nothing. My eyes scanned my hands to find I could see right through them and my body as well.

My breathing hitched as my mind raced, eyes flitting around where ever I was. Gold yellow light streamed from everywhere, seeming to come from no particular spot. I managed to stand, however that worked with no body. My ears rung with silence as the realization came crashing down on me.

I was dead.

Head bowed, my heart ached and throbbed, knowing I had left behind Kai, who had just lost his sister and now me. I was to help him and keep my promise, and I had failed.

The silence almost seemed deafening and comforting all at once. Why was I here? Why was I all alone?

Was I going to be alone forever?

Spinning a quick circle, I huffed in realization that there was nothing here. Just me and the light. Daring, I took a step, then another. Nothing changed, and it felt as if I was walking in place with no where to go.

"Hello?" I called to the emptiness, only to have the silence in response. I slid down onto whatever I was standing on, floor maybe. Laying on my back, I stared into the bright abyss, pressing my palms into my eyes after failing a few tries.

"I don't know if anyone is here or I'm all alone forever because of what I've done, but if someone is there, please let me go back. Kai needs me and I need him." I sat up, unsure of everything. "Please?" Tears spilled from my eyes, something I didn't know could happen as a spirit.

"Don't cry, it doesn't suit you."

A voice forced me to my feet and I met face to face with one who I hadn't seen in years.


Pyromaniacs Anonymous: [Kai X Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt