Getting to know him

Start from the beginning

He went back into his room only to realise that he left his headphones in the park where Virat dragged him a while ago.

So in full speed he ran to the park to retrieve his precious headphones.

Those were unusually expensive you know.

Much to Rohit's delight he found Rahul right there in the park picking at the grass with concentration.

"Hey kiddo!" Rohit said cheerfully breaking Rahul out of his reverie.

"Ohh hey.....don't worry....I was coming back didn't need to come for me," Rahul stuttered shyly.

" kinda forgot my headphones. You seen them by any chance? " Rohit said scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

That managed to squirm a hearty laughter out of Rahul and said "Those were yours... they're over there." pointing at some random bench.

Rohit immediately perked up and said "gimme one second," and ran off leaving Rahul sighing exasperatedly and suppressing a laugh at his forgetfulness.

Rohit huffed as he returned back and plopped down beside Rahul.

"Ok now you tell me why on earth you are here. It is starting to get late." Rohit said still out of breath.

"Umm...just wanted a distraction." Rahul said quietly.

"From what, Harry?" He chuckled.

"Well yes, but no," Rahul said.

"You do know you make no sense, Virat really has influenced you badly Rahuliya!" Rohit laughed.

"Don't call me that!" Rahul cried on instinct

"Why is everyone calling me that!" He wailed.

"I guess it's a habit kid," Rohit said admiring how adorable he sounded.

"Humph," Rahul pouted still looking mopey.

"Ok I'm no man who can give lengthy speeches so I'm just cut to the point," Rohit said. "What's bothering you?" He said hoping to hear it from him

"Noth..nothing," Rahul stammered.

"Look Rahuliya, I heard everything Virat said," Rohit started only to be cut of by sobbing Rahul.

"I...didn't mean to..." He sobbed

Rohit didn't particularly know how to deal with a crying kid so just pulled him close and let him cry in his shoulder until he was ok.

"I'm sorry..." Rahul muttered under his breath breaking apart from Rohit.

"No no, listen Virat's a jerk and trust me on that," Said Rohit giggling.

"It's just that all the pressure has been building upon him." He continued earning himself a confused look.

"Captaincy and all, you know how much of a kid he is himself. He can barely handle me let alone the team," Rohit joked proudly making Rahul roll his eyes.

"Listen Virat doesn't mean any of the rubbish he said. He was just too scared to lose another match." He said.

"But I wasn't hurt," Rahul tactfully lied.

"Don't even try that Rahuliya, I know better. You were moping around looking like a kid whose mother took a chocolate off them." Rohit said lazily while laying on the grass completely.

"I guess you're right Bhaiya," Rahul said meekly. "He's never shouted at me before... I thought I really messed up."

"Look for the hundredth time Virat's an idiot, don't take his words too seriously," Rohit said grabbing the opportunity with both hands to jokingly badmouth Virat.

"By the way, please tell me why you were plucking the grass so seriously. The grass isn't Virat to show your anger on," Rohit chuckled again.

Rahul laughed sheepishly and pulled Rohit up.

"We better get going before Virat finds out we're missing, I really don't want you to fight again," Rahul explained exasperatedly.

"Hahaha, I know you love our fights!" Rohit teased "Also, keep calling me bhaiya." he winked while Rahul laughed.

They reached the hotel and Rahul went to freshen up while Rohit barged straight into Virat's room again.

"What do you want this time?" Virat asked still annoyed from their earlier squabble.

"I think you owe someone an apology," Rohit said in a matter of fact tone.

"Ummm...." Virat started awkwardly

"You're impossible Vi!" Rohit declared.

"It's someone who's name starts with R and ends with ahul,"

"Ohh," Virat said guiltily. "He's upset isn't he?"

"Well done Sherlock," Rohit replied sarcastically.

"I'll go apologise right now," Virat said determinedly.

"Then go do that then," Rohit retorted.

Virat did go and apologise and reconciled with one his favourite children in the team.

Later that evening when the team assembled for dinner Rahul went up to Rohit and hugged him tight.

"Thanks for that Rohit Bhaiya," he said.

"Any time kid," he replied ruffling his hair affectionately.

Rahul had strongly decided that his  bond with his Rohit Bhaiya needs to be stronger than ever before.

And they worked on just that.

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A/N I'm feeling nice so two angles of the same picture

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A/N I'm feeling nice so two angles of the same picture. It's just so mushy and perfect

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