it's 14:00

65 5 20

That's meant to be read as 14 o'clock. Not military time or anything, just 14 o'clock.


Oh, I added wings to Grian on gacha. Sorry for the quality of the picture... Um, he doesn't have them in the story, just elytra, but I saw a bunch of people drawing/writing him with wings, so I thought it was a good addition. Ok, here's the stary


I woke up in my bed. Was that all a dream? I hope not...

I get out of bed, because I have some things to do.

What do I have to do? I dunno, I just know I have stuff to do. Maybe I could learn to actually cook.

But before that, I get dressed in my favorite red sweater, some gray pants, and don't worry about socks. I don't think I'm going out today.

I walk out of my room and then over to my somewhat living room. Just to turn on the TV for background noise.

I lost my headphones, ok?

I grab the remote and click on the TV. It's already on the news because unlike actual news, hermit news is actually entertaining.

I turn around and almost have a heart attack.


Because Mumbo's on my couch you moron! Did you not read the last chapter?! Wait I'm not su- (*fights Grian for breaking the fourth wall* Aight now imma beat myself up and fix the wall with the flex tape. Also, rewind.)

Because Mumbo's on my couch! And that has a 99% chance of meaning were actually together.

But he's asleep, so I'm just gonna leave him there for now.

Maybe I can make us breakfast! [Oh help us, great holy banana cookie]

So, what do I have I can make? I can't just make random cereal, today's special.


I have eggs. And I have pig me- I mean bacon. Hmmm....

Half an hour of cooking later...

It's beautiful.

We have two plates of eggs, bacon, and toast! And I put some butter on the side of he wants it.

I'm proud of myself.

So, then I set up the table and put the plates on it.

Then I go over to Mumbo and try to pick him up.

I, of course, fail and he wakes up.


Mumbo's POV

I have fallen, halp

Kidding, I'm a grown man, I can get up myself.

Once I do, I hear my love speak.

"S-sorry Mumbo. I didn't mean for you to fall, you were just to heavy and I dropped you. As you can tell, I'm not very strong..."

"I mean, my head hurts a bit, but I'm fine."

"Oh, great! I-i made food for us! Am mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm."

"What was that last part dear?" He blushed a bit.

"Oh, um, I said that hopefully it's better then the cake." Ok, as much as I hate to say it, I agree. I only pretended to like the cake, it was horrible. There was an entire baseball that was just, in there.

Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz