6th chap

111 7 12

Ok so no one commented so I'm gonna assume you left my basement and went home. I don't blame you, I'm pretty annoying. I'm just gonna start the story I guess. And just so you know, in case you forgot, this is in Grian's POV unless stated otherwise. Don't forget again.

Thump. Owww. That hurt. Wait, where am I? Am I even awake? Alright, if I can make a turkey sandwich appear into my hand, I'm definitely dreaming. *Cue turkey sandwich* Yep. I'm dreaming. I'm gonna eat this. Or not, it just disappeared. Well, I'm dreaming, so I can get up on my own. So that's what I do. Ok, I'm in a empty room that's completely black. Hmm, how do I fix that? Well, maybe I co- woah! (This is when he got picked up by Mumbo) What happened there? Did something happen in real life or something? (Blanket put on him) And now it's really hot here. Hold on, I wanna try something.
"HEY! CAN I GET A FAN OR SOMETHING OVER HERE?!" I yelled out into the abyss. And believe it or not, that actually worked! A fan just came into existence.
"Umm, can I have a chair too?"
Oh look, a chair. It's really comfy too. Wait, why's it all the way over there? Can I walk in this dream? Well, I'mma try to. I can move my legs, so I lift one up, and put it down in front of me, and do it again with the other one, and, yes. I can walk. But I don't seem to be going anywhere. That or I just can't tell. I'mma just keep going. ...........
........... Ok, it's a few minutes later, I still haven't moved. Poof! There's a person. Who?
"Hey, who's that?!"
They walk towards me. Hey, is there less weight in the air or something? Oh no, they're walking pretty fast. Wait, are they running at me? Yeah, they're running. And they're getting closer. Even closer. Hey, is that a knife?! Alright, I gotta get out of here. I'm gonna try walking again. Hey, I'm actually getting closer to that chair. But I need a way out. Oh, I have an idea!
"Hey! Magical being that makes things appear! Can I have a way out of here, please?!" I'm running now, even though it hurts normally. But this is a dream, I can't get hurt. Wait... Why am I scared of knife guy again? I'm in a dream, I literally just said I can't get hurt. I'm, just gonna stop. Doesn't matter. I can't get hurt. I turn around, and there's knife guy. Oh shit, he's not just any guy, he's, he's.... My... F-father. Now I have 3 reasons to never sleep again after this. Actually, this was already a reason, I just forgot at the time. I already didn't sleep much, and when I did I just collapsed from exhaustion. That time in chapter one or two when I went to sleep after crying? I hadn't slept in like, a week. Not sleeping gives you scary as fuck hallucinations. I usually just ignore them, but some of them are of people who are very close to me, my mom, my brother, and Mumbo I guess, hurt and mutilated and dead. That's usually when I give in and sleep for a couple hours. But I don't care about sleep, but care about everything else that a normal person would. Oh wait, I should probably focus on the guy with the knife, shouldn't I?
"Grian, you're finally back." (In this universe, the usernames are they're real names.)
"I don't want to be! I-i was drugged!"
"Aww, don't want to visit your own dad?"
"Y-you're not my dad! You're the manifestation of all my worries and pain in the form of my father."
He put the knife to my throat.
"Smart, aren't you? Cocky too. Unfortunately for me, you're right. Unfortunately for you, I can still hurt you."
"What?! How?!"
He pushed the knife slightly into my throat. Then, he pulled it back, and and then swiped his arm. The knife, however, went through me. See, you can't hurt me.
"Hmm. Guess I can't." And with that, he disappeared. Then I was alone. What the hell just happened? I don't wanna be here anymore. I'm gonna try and wake up, but you should probably go. How did you even get here?

Ugh, is it morning already? What time is it? Oh, it's noon. Oh well. Wait, how's Grian? I lift the blanket. He's still asleep, but he looks, scared? He must be having a bad dream. Me? I had a wonderful dream about me f- actually, you wouldn't want to know. Just, trust me. (I don't wanna tell you either, but I'll tell you it had to do with Grian.) Shut up! (You shut up! I am writing this story, not you!) Then stop breaking the fourth wall and get on with the story! (Fine! REWIND!!)

Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora