Chaper tree

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Ok, I want to add season seven next chapter, just warning you. 6 will still be there, but they just want a change of scenery so they're gonna move. But still use their old bases as storage and stuff. Also, this is going to be in Grian's point of view unless said otherwise. Italics are whispers, I'll remember to actually use them this time. Ok, here's the story.

I woke up. I saw a sign next to my bed. That's weird. It said:
I know you would have skipped over the one at the door to go to sleep. Can you go to the entrance to your base and read the signs there? ~someone special
Someone special? Who could that be? Mumbo? I-i meant to say what does that mean! Not Mumbo!! Thank god I don't have roommates...
I go to the front entrance to my base. I doesn't have a door, just a pretty hole. And there are signs there. They say:
Dear Grian, I'm sorry that I dropped you out of the sky. And pushed you into the ocean. That was unnecessary. I've made a little savager hunt for you to say that I'm sorry. Enjoy! ~Mumbo
So it was Mumbo! He's, sorry? He looked like he enjoyed dropping and pushing me into the ocean! What's it gonna be this time?! Trapping me in lava?!? But, I decide to humor him. Why not, not like I'll be gone forever. I'll just respawn. Like we all do. Just the way we work. Anyways, there's a chest next to the signs. In it, there's a book. I read the first page.
So, this book is to help you with the hunt. Actually, I'm just gonna tell you exactly where to go. So first go to the bottom of your bubble elevator.
Doesn't he mean elevators? There's two, one going up, one going down. Then again, I noticed that it looked thinner... I go down to the bottom. There's a switch? I use it and to my surprise, the soul sand switches places with magma block. What sorcery is this?!?!? I do it again, and it does it again, but vice versa. I check the top for another switch, and there one is, to do the same thing! So cool! I-i mean, yeah, it ok. Not like I like it or anything. I probably could have done it myself. Stop lying to yourself Grian. I go back to the bottom and read the next part of the book.
Now, I want you to go to your bed. You probably already noticed, but I got you a new bed because the one you had would just not do. It was creaky and uncomfortable. 0/10 would not sleep in ever. How did you even try to sleep in that thing? Anyways, the new one is softer and much less noiser. I also kinda made you a bed room, but left the bed out so it wouldn't be suspicious.
A new bed? My bed was fine! I don't need a new bed! You would always wake up with back pain Grian. It probably isn't even that good! But I might as well look at the room. I went over there and noticed a door in one of the pillars I was to tired to last night. It was, nice, to say the least. I-i mean, um, it's terrible!! I-i hate it!! Stop being like this Grian. You know you like it. You know you like everything he does and everything about him. Ugh, would that voice in my head just shut the fuck up? Seriously, it's getting really annoying. I flop down on the bed so I'm on my back. It was really nice and comfortable and the right size. I checked the book.
You like the bed? I hope you do. I don't know, I'm just a book. Anyways, check all the drawers, there's a bunch of different little goodies in them for you.
(666 lol gonna point this out every chapter fuck you if you have a fear of that number.)
Goodies? Like snacks? I look in the dresser first. In it are all of the outfits I have neatly folded up as well as some new ones he must have given me. They looked nice, I guess. N-not that I like them or anything!! Grian, shut the fuck up. As I told you before, you like this. Mumbo didn't have to do this you know. Stop being an ungrateful little shit. I guess voice is right. Also, I forgot to mention, but there was also a little box that smelled nice. I opened it and it was filled with squares of candle wax. I put it in my pocket, I really like to be able to sniff a nice thing when I, um, am not having a good day. Dude, you have panic attacks almost twice a week. Shut up shut up SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP  SHUT UP!!!!! Umm, anyways, I look in the second dresser drawer filled with various boxes of little earrings and necklaces other jewelry. Don't judge me. I look at them and decide on one I liked, it had a spiraling chain with a ruby in the pendant, which was in the shape of a small star. I like rubies. They're really pretty. Mumbo's really nice. I saw that the end tables had drawers, so I looked in them. One had a hand written note that said,
Grian, you matter. No matter what anyone else says. Don't let anyone get to you, and don't ever give up. Don't know why you would want this, but I am really sorry. It was really unnecessary to do that to you, and I'm probably going overboard with my apologies. But anyways, enjoy the rest of your gifts!
                                         P.S. Can you give me the jewelry you don't want back? I know your probably not gonna wear most of it, and I'll probably need the diamond lol. Thanks!
I almost cried. I, maybe, might just not like myself very much. I look in the other drawers, one has a couple of diamonds, another has a bunch of concrete, and one has, an empty sketch book?
"How did he know I like to draw...?"
I go to the first page.
I didn't know what to put in this drawer, but then I remembered that you said you liked to draw sometimes. So I put this here, along with a couple pencils. Happy drawing! ~Mumbo :)
I looked, and there were pencils I didn't notice the first time. Cool. I put the sketch book back and looked at the normal book.
Done with that? Well, for one late little surprise, go up to the second level where Chester is kept.
I got off the bed and went out of the room. I didn't really want to, but eh. I'm not done getting stuff! I go up there, and instead of Chester, there's a big, machine! What the hell?! I look to the side and see small version of him. Next to him I saw some signs that's said,
I made you an item storter so he would eat you. But now he can be your pet or something. I don't really care. You do you. Also, check the book for one last thing, even to it's not really a physical thing.
Well ok, I better listen to the signs. I looked in the book.
Hey Grian. I need you to do one more thing for me. Meet me at the middle of the shopping district, around your shop that's like a cart around 8 on Tuesday. It probably is Tuesday for you lol. You can bring the jewelry to me if you want. I'll be waiting! ~Mumbo
Well, I guess I'm going to go meet up with Mumbo. Guess I'm gonna have to go back to being mean. And stupid. And selfish. And a dick. And annoying. And, well, I don't know, but you get the point. I'm sinking to the ground, starting to break out in tears. Why? Why is Mumbo so nice to me? Me? I'm a worthless, unimportant piece of shit that should just die. Permanently. We can die, permanently, but it's a hard thing to bring about to yourself. I tried once... I check the time. It's 7:30. And it's Tuesday... Oh shit I gotta go like right fuckin now! I'll see you later bye!!

Oof. Sorry I took so long in making this. So... How are you?
*You try to scream at me but you can't because you're gagged and tied to a chair being forced to listen to this*
Good, good. Well, imma get you some food, stay here comra- friend.
*I walk out of the basement*
Oof sorry also you're tied up in my basement deal with it.

Finally word count: 1489

Sorry for posting this late.

Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt