ight back to the story 12

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Alright I've made too much filler here's the actual fucking story.

I'm sorry you had to see my horrible gacha shit, but now you don't have too! I made a separate book for that, along with other art stuff.

Basically, it's not canon to this. It's just random art stuff. (And Maid Grian, I'm making that a thing, deal with it.)

Ight, enjoy, maybe.


It seems Grian.exe is not responding. Switching over to Mumbo.exe... no, still not working. Let's try Scar.exe... Yes! It works! It's in Scars POV.

I've waken up on a couch. Where am I again? Oh yeah I spent the night at Mumbo's. Me are have big stoopid. (Do you are have stupid?)


Didn't Mumbo bring drunk Grian into his room? Hehehehe, did they fuck? [No]

Yes, I know I have the mind of a stupid 12 year old. [Not in real life {hopefully}]

It doesn't matter. I'm gonna go in there. I wanna know so I can tease them, ok?

I get up off the couch and go over to Mumbo's room. At least, I'm assuming it's his room. It has his bed and stuff, so I think it's a fair assumption. And even if it's not, I'm still gonna call it that for convenience. [Scar what are you doing it's my job to make excuses.]

Alright bois, I'm at the door.

I take a breath, and open the door.


They're just spooning. Damnit. [*Takes break to play with slime*]

Should I wake them up?

Yeah, it's like, noon, looking at the clock.

But I can't just wake them up. It has to me on a funny way with pots and and stuff.


Grian's probably gonna have a hangover. [Yes]

He wouldn't appreciate that. I know I wouldn't.

You know what, maybe just leave Grian sleeping and just wake up Mumbo.

I go over to the side of the bed Mumbo's on. Then I lightly shake him, careful not to disturb Grian. I've been drunk before, and the aftermath is not pretty.

After a bit, Mumbo wakes up a little.

"H-huh? Who's there..."

"Mumbo, it's me, Scar."

"Scar? Oh yeah you." I stepped away from him and he got up.

Imma just switch to Mumbo cuz he's more fun to write

I woke up and something was shaking me. What's going on?

I opened my eyes a bit and asked,

"Huh? Who's there?" Who might hurt my Grian?

"Mumbo, it's me Scar." Scar? Who? Oh yeah my friend. Oof I'm stupid.

I woke up fully and got up. After which I made sure my Grian was comfortable. He likes to be really warm while he sleeps, so that's one of the reasons I sleep with him.

I hope that he'll be warm enough without me here. But it should be fine, it is kinda stuffy in here.

"Mumbo? Should I go?" Oh, I forgot he was here.

"We should get out of this room."


We left the room and I made us breakfast. But I guess it's lunch, considering it's noon.

Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//Where stories live. Discover now