Chapter 2

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I was going to have 2 in Russian but I don't want ten billion fucking notifications from people who speak the language telling me that they're offended. Can't blame them I guess. Also, if I do use any other languages for whatever reason, just know I just used Google translate except for a couple things in Spanish cuz I'm stupid and can't figure out Russian or Japanese. Ok here's the dumpster fire.

Grian's POV
Falling. I hade a while to fall, but I was still terrified. I looked up at Mumbo, who was counting a couple seconds before rescuing me. Ok, now I'm actually mad at him. Oh, did I mention I was screaming this whole time? It was along the lines of:
I closed my eyes. Is he just going to let me die? I thought about this and started to cry, still falling. How high up are we?!? But how could he care so little about me? Actually, I deserve this. I insult him, push him away, hit him, and do other mean things to him when he's just trying to be a good friend. (Not sexual other, you little shit.) So I'm crying and falling and hating myself when all of a sudden, I'm not falling. I'm not dead, so what happened? I open one eye, and wouldn't you know, there he is, Mumbo. I blushed a little, bit that was because 1) I always blush around him. And 2) I was really mad at him. He dropped me out of the sky! I actually have a reason to be mad at him!! Anyways, I hold on tight to him. Once we got to base, I scream at him. After slapping him about thirty times.
I continued this for quite some time. He bearly even looked me in the eyes. After about 10 minutes, I stopped screaming. I was really red. I was screaming for 15 minutes, that would happen. He looked at me and asked,
"You done?"
I just looked at him.
"I'll take that as a yes. I did that because 1) You were mean, 2) You deserved it, and 3) I just wanted to see how you'd react. Also, why'd you have to hit me so much? You hit really hard. And I mean that as a compliment!"
I blushed, but for a different reason. He complimented me.
"You deserve more slaps if you ask me!! I just didn't want to hurt your pretty face. And I want an apology!!" He didn't hear the part I whispered. Thank the holy banana cookie.
"Huh. And why would you want an apology?" That little shit.
"Well, maybe because you dropped me out of the sky at, like, a million feet in the air!!!" (I'm American, deal with the fucking feet.)
"So~? I still caught you~."
"I was terrified!!" I yelled.
"Why does that matter?"
I just stared at him.
"You gonna talk to me?"
I shake my head. He shouldn't have done that! I'm not that mean, am I? Did I deserve that?
He looked in the water.
"Oh my god Grian look at that fish!!"
I went over to the water.
"I don't see any-" SPLASH!! Now I'm in the water. God fucking damnit. Why do I like this guy. I get out of the water and he's gone. I look and he's flying to his base. Asshole. I go to Chester to find something to dry off with. I get it and do so. Then I go to my bed to go under the covers and overthink the situation and cry. I'll see you later...

Mumbo's POV (As he's going to his base)

Ok, maybe that was a little unnecessary. Yeah, that was uncalled for. He didn't deserve that. I should apologize, shouldn't I? But how? (666 words at how.) I can't just go to his place and say that I'm sorry. I know! I'll organize his stuff! I'll have to get someone to distract him though... Iskall! We're all friends, he'll help me, right? I get to my base and call Iskall over. After a while he shows up.
"Hey Mumbo. What's up?"
I explain it all. SHLAP!! He slapped me. I deserve that.
"Mumbo!! You don't drop people from the sky and push them into the ocean just because they were kinda mean! That's taking petty to a whole other level! What's wrong with you?"
"I honestly don't know. I just know I need your help with apologizing to him."
"I'm not doing it for you."
"I'm not asking you to. I just want you to get him out of his base so I can make him an item sorter. Then he won't be eaten by Chester."
"Well, in that case, I'll help you. How much time?"
"I'm not exactly sure to be honest."
"So, the rest of today and tomorrow?"
"Yeah, that'll work."
"Ok, I'm going to ask him if he wants to have a sleepover. Which I know he does."
And with that he was off. I started getting all the redstone ready. Once I got it, I checked with Iskall and he said that Grian agreed and they were at his (Iskall's) base. I put the stuff in a shulker box and go.
Time skip bitches!!!!
After the first day of time I had, I had already finished. It took less time then I thought it would. So used some time putting signs everywhere and getting other little gifts such as more concrete and a couple diamonds. There were more, but I don't wanna give spoilers. You'll just have to wait until the next chapter! Wait I'm not sup- *gets beat up by me, the author for breaking the fourth wall then gets patched up* (k I'm gonna go beat myself I also broke the wall see you later.) Sorry. Um, anyways, I get all of that ready and text Iskall
M: u can bring grian home now.
I: ok :(
M: y u sad
I: me and grian were having fun.
M: well it's time
I: mumbo is that u it grian help-
I: sorry
M: ?
I: it's nothing
M: I don't entirely believe that but k
I turned off my phone and went to my base to sleep.

Grian's POV (when Iskall came) [if you don't like kidnapping or mild torture turn away]

I'm in my bed, you know what I'm doing, I told you earlier!! I'm crying and thinking you pervert!! Anyways, I eventually fall asleep, not having anything to do. In my light sleep, I hear Iskall. Oh no, what does he want now? My virginity? Oh, didn't I tell you? He would kidnap me sometimes and kinda molest me, but he wouldn't rape me. Just forced me to make out with him. Or hurt me. One if the two. He only acted like that when there wasn't anyone around, obviously. That's why I don't like to be alone. I held my breath, praying he wouldn't find me. He did though, and he knocked me out cold.

The next thing I knew I was tied to a chair with my eyes being forced open. Oh, he's going to hurt my soul this time. Or make we watch as he make me smile out with him. I don't know, how am I supposed to?! I can't read minds!!
"Iskall?" I call out.
"Oh, you're awake." He puts his mouth up to my ear to whisper in it.
"Wanna play a little game~?"
He turns on the TV. And the console he had set up for it.
"Iskall, what's going on?! Why am I here again?! I don't wanna do this!!"
"You can't be at your base."
"Why not?! Take me home you asshole!!!"
I started kicking around in my chair.
"Stop that Grian."
I stopped. He's scary.
"Good. Now watch."
He went to the PlayStation store, because it was a PlayStation apparently, and slowly put fortnite into the search bar. Then he downloaded it. Made me watch as it downloaded. I looked down at my hands, since he didn't seem to care. I was only being held down with some cloths. I could get out of this. I started work on the first one. Once I got that one done, I did the other and took off the the things that were keeping my eyes open. I blinked. A lot. You try keeping your eyes open for a long time and tell me you don't want to blink, you dumbfuck. After a while, I saw Iskall on his phone. I still had to get out of there so I quickly snached his phone from his hands.
I looked at the contact and saw it was Mumbo. I managed to get "mumbo is that u it grain help" which I sent before it could be deleted.
"It's time for you to go home."
"Go home Grian."
I wasn't complaining. Wait, how long was I there?

Skip of the time!!!
I get to my base. I just want to sleep. I ignore all the signs. I'll look at them tomorrow. Goodnight.

I'm with Grian, I just wanna sleep. Night.

Final word count: 1579

Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//Where stories live. Discover now