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Beep boop am robot I make title now read story see you at end of chap k bieeeeeeeeeee. Also, idk if you noticed, but last chapter, Grian said the thinks They are watching him. They are not the Watchers, if you're wondering. They are just They. They are just manifestations of some of Grian's fears of being watched by unknown entitys. Aka, They don't mean much for the story, they're just kinda, there. Ok here fire from dump. It gonna start from when Grian knocked on Mumbo's door but in his POV k here


I raised my hand up, gripped my basically tattered but still holding together suitcase, and knocked on the door, 3 times to be exact. In the stereotypical way. Just, knock knock knock. I waited for a bit, getting kinda worried. What if They are watching? I knock again, but a bit louder. Maybe he didn't hear me. I wait a bit, and a couple seconds later he opens the door. Jerk mode activated, but only for a bit, this is his house after all.

"Ugh, look who finally opened the door. D-d-do you know how many phantoms follow me around? T-they don't even wait a couple days anymore! C-can I come in, I think They are watching me." I say, making words basically waterfall out of my mouth. I said way too much, didn't I?

"Oh, um, yeah, come in." I speed past him, I don't think They can come in. I-i don't why I think that, I just, do. Maybe it's the fact I feel safer around Mumbo? I don't know. I don't think he bought my phantom excuse.

Either way, we're standing about 3ish feet apart. He's, looking at me. Staring, even. In his eyes there's a look of joy as he looks at me. But then he looks at my suitcase and looks a bit, annoyed?


What possible reason do you have to be annoyed with an old suitcase your friend owns?

I don't know, but this is getting weird.

"S-so, are you gonna talk? O-or keep standing and staring at me like you have for the past 2 minutes, you creep?"

"Oh, sorry, didn't realize I was staring."

Whatever. Actually, I should probably ask him about the necklace.

"So, um, I have a, uh, q-question for you."

"What is it?"

"Well, uh, h-how did you get my mother's necklace?"

"The one your wearing? I found it on the floor in your base and decided to put it with the rest of the jewelry I tried to give you." That almost made me cry. How could I be so careless?!

"O-oh, well next time, c-can you please give anything you find up there straight to me? There's some irreplaceable things there I don't want to be sold." 

"Ok. Why are they irreplaceable, just wondering?" No Mumbo, your gonna make me think of my mom and then I'll cry. I think I'm already tearing up. Oh no no no no.

"Oh, uh, t-hey w-w-were my mom's." Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.

"Well then why doesn't she have it?" DON'T CRY DON'T CRY GODDAMNIT GRIAN DON'T YOU FUCKING CRY. You are a disgrace to you're family and yourself and you're better off dead in a hole.

"I- well, she's..." God fucking damn it all. Welp, guess I'mma cry a bunch and be sad. Aren't I so fucking pathetic?

As I started crying and thinking about my mom, I fell to the floor while letting go of the things in my hands. I honestly didn't expect what happened next.

Mumbo came over to me and gave me a hug. He pulled me up, and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry Grian. I was being stupid and thought she was alive."

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