~ TWO ~

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-The Third Years & Milkbread-

'Finally...some peace and quiet...' Releasing an anxious breath he had been holding, Min-Jun leaned back to rest a little, eyes fluttering shut. 

As soon as the lunch bell rang, Min-Jun had been swarmed by girls and guys alike, asking if he wanted to eat with them or hang out. Questions were thrown in his direction far to fast for him to react, let alone hear a single one clearly. He managed to get out of the classroom in one piece and with all his belongings, but the hallways seemed to be even worse. 

Students from all three years wanted to get a look at the model for themselves, so the second floor was a swamped mess of bodies. It was a miracle he had made it to the roof without anyone following him, and it was all thanks to two first years. It didn't seem like it was on purpose, but the orange-haired boy had tripped and stumbled into a black-haired boy and the two began to shout at each other, serving as the perfect distraction for Min-Jun to slip off. 

'Maybe I should have changed my hair or name...' Deciding to drop the thought since there would be no way of going back and changing anything now that the damage is already done, Min-Jun began to hum to himself to pass the time. Since he had moved to Japan last week, he hadn't had the chance to buy groceries so he had been serving off milk bread and other things he bought from vending machines. Today he had even forgotten his wallet at home, so he couldn't go to the cafeteria and buy anything. 'I'll just pick up something on my walk home...'

Min-Jun continued to hum gently to himself, his knees pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around securely. The silence the roof provided was a blessing compared to the hellish noise of all the students inside. Drifting off into his own world of through, the second year didn't notice or react when the door to the roof opened. 

"There were so many people downstairs..." 

"I know right, we could barely-," The three thrid years froze, all of them noticing at the same time that they weren't alone. Min-Jun still had yet to notice them and was still humming to himself, swaying slightly where he sat. 

Sugawara blinked a couple of times before turning towards Asahi and Daichi who had the same look on their faces. They didn't know what to do. They had never crossed paths with someone famous, so it was nerve-wracking to see the handsome model in their usual lunch spot. 

Before they could sneak off to find somewhere else to eat, Min-Jun reopened his eyes, startling them. They stared at each other before the second year nodded. 

"Hi..." Daichi awkwardly waved, but there was no change in the look on Min-Jun's face. He simply continued to stare at them. 

"Hello." His voice was deep and soft, and if the third years were to compare it to something, it would be like the feeling of rubbing your hand against soft velvet fabric. Quickly noticing the tension in their bodies and the lunches in their hands, Min-Jun put one and two together. "Is this your lunch spot? I'm sorry for intruding." He stood, gently brushing the dust off his pants. 

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