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The video has nothing to do with the story, but the song is bomb and everyone should listen to it/// I also added a photo drawn by me lol


"Why would you need to gain their trust back? The means you did something wrong, right?" Aito went full interrogation mode.

"Well, it was like the misunderstanding we had," Elizabeth said, "We can show you the picture, but you have to hear us out first."

Aito nodded. Zeldris brought out his phone and opened the photo app. 

Showing Aito and Kazuto, Kazuto was the first to speak.

"I don't get it, what happened?" Kazuto asked.

Aito stared at the photo and tried to decipher it, "It looks like Elizabeths' shirt ripped and Zeldris hugged her. I don't get it, how would this be a problem?"

"Well.." Elizabeth started.

"Her soulmate, my brother, saw the photo and got the wrong idea. He thought she was cheating on him, even though they weren't dating, and so he told his friends and that's why we want his trust back," Zeldris explained for her.

Aito nodded, "They are soulmates?"

Everyone nodded, including Kazuto.

Aito sighed and looked at Kazuto, who nodded with a smile, "Ya, we'll help."

"Are you sure we can trust them?" King whispered to Diane.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Harlequin," Diane whispered back to him.

"So, what're your names?" Derieri asked.

 "I'm Kazuto," Kazuto pointed to himself, "And this is Aito," He pointed to Aito.

"Hello Kazuto. Hello Aito," Everyone greeted in chorus.

"I'm Diane."



"And Derieri."

"So what's your plan?" Aito asked.

"I have to meet up with Meliodas for an art project, that's when I'll try to explain the situation," Elizabeth told them.

"That's the plan?" Aito asked.

"Um, ya..?" Diane said, now unsure of how well this plan will work.

"You're missing the basic components, you need to plan a place and time ahead of before you plan it with him. The way you ask is just as important as well..." Aito went on and on, explaining what a plan should have.

~~~ (Been awhile since we've had a timeskip)

"And... Go!" Aito brutally pushed Elizabeth in the hall, casually telling her to 'Go find Meliodas.'

"E-Eep!" Elizabeth yelled, almost tripping over herself. 

She sighed in relief when what could've happened, didn't. Walking down the halls, her eyes searched for those dark purple ones she grew used to. They darted all around the halls, staring at everyones face quite creepily.

'Just have to go to the art room,' She repeated in her head like a mantra. (<-- haha 420)

She roamed the hallways, looking for the art room, and passed by all the prior numbers. 'Here,' She said.

She opened the door with much hesitation and was greeted with nothing. Save for a some tables, paper, pencils and other medias, the actual classroom, maybe some sun, a few windows, and did I mention Meliodas sitting at one of the tables?

Elizabeth smiled and waved to him, "Hey," She greeted.

He gave her a glance before pointing to the paper, "Lets just get started."

She nodded and sat across from him. Grabbing a 2B lead pencil, she started sketching his face.

Meliodas grabbed a soft black charcoal block and began on her hair. He switched to a lighter lead pencil, H, and started on the outline of her face. Softly sketching her chin, neck, and an ear, he set down his pencil. Picking up a 4B charcoal pencil, he darkened the lines and shaded her neck. Using a 8B lead pencil, he started on the detailed of her eye, softly shading it in. He started shading in all the shadows, adding finer detailed lines in her hair, and finishing up the details on her face.

Elizabeth stuck with her 2B lead pencil, outlining his shirt and hair, and adding a collar shirt. She looked at his face, wondering what she could do for his eyes, before picking up a lilac pastel and filling it in. Once she filled it in, she picked up a much darker purple and blended them together. She chose to color that specific part of the picture, leaving everything else blank.

Meliodas picked up a light blue colored pencil and colored her earrings. Switching to a dark blue he filled in the details, before grabbing yellow and filling in the metal parts.

Once the two finished, they gave each other their papers and got up to leave.

"It was... Nice to see you again," Elizabeth told Meliodas before she walked out the door.

She was too far away to hear Meliodas whisper, "It was nice to see you too," While he stared at your drawing.

The bottom signed

Sorry for the misunderstanding

- Elizabeth



I wrote part of this at 5 AM so excuse any mistakes or random stuff that was put into here. 


I'll stop yelling

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's late and short but I (kinda) got some fluff in instead of more arguing. I actually did draw what I described, save for the colors, but I suck and that art will never be released onto the internet because I can't draw girls.

This is getting long, see you next chapter


HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY HELBRAM! His birthday was May 5, this is coming out May 6, but that's not important

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HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY HELBRAM! His birthday was May 5, this is coming out May 6, but that's not important. I love Helbram, he needs more love, and Happy 1,3something-thousand birthday


Always Been You || Melizabeth  Where stories live. Discover now