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Back to third P.O.V

After Elizabeth and Diane reunited, they practically skipped to lunch.

When they passed the gardens and such, Elizabeth froze in her steps, prompting Diane to do the same.

"I-I can't," Elizabeth stuttered.

Diane understood what she was saying and decided on taking baby steps toward redemption.

"How about King? Can you talk to him?" Diane asked.

Elizabeth thought it over before timidly nodding.

Diane smiled and walked ahead of her.

A few moments pass before Elizabeth heard a familiar voice.

"So, what is it you wanted to show me?" King asked, being dragged by the arm by Diane.

He looked up and met eyes with Elizabeth, quickly scowling and turning to Diane.

"What is this?!" He angrily asked Diane. (I am just milking this drama thing xD)

"Just hear her out," Diane asked, "Please," She pleaded after seeing the look on his face.

He frowned, knowing he couldn't win against Diane, and stubbornly nodded.

~~~ (after Elizabeth explains)

"Will you give me another chance?" Elizabeth asked.

King sighed and thought it over.

"I guess," He mumbled, "But I still don't fully trust you!" He said, much louder than his previous sentence.

"Thanks," Elizabeth breathed out. She looked at her phone and saw the time.

"Flying fish monkeys! I'm late!" She yelled as King and Diane exchanged a look, "I have to go meet up with my friend. Bye!" She yelled behind her.

"Bye?" Diane said questionably, raising her hand to wave at her.


Elizabeth stopped right before Derieri, hands on her knees from running.

"Sor-ry for being lare," Her words slurred together, trying to gain back breath from running. (Yes, that typo was meant to be there)

Derieri responded by flicking her forehead, "Just don't be an idiot next time."

"Hehe, okay," Elizabeth sat down next to her and they talked nonsense all day. Err, lunch hour.

Until Kaitlyn came and ruined it.

And guess who happened to be behind her.

You probably didn't guess it.


When the torn apart pair locked eyes, they both looked down.

"Well, if it isn't the sl*t and the freak," Kaitlyn cackled, "What a perfect pair! Let me guess, you two are soulmates..?"

'Meliodas didn't tell her?' Elizabeth thought, raising her head.

Derieri scoffed and ignored the b***h.

But Elizabeth couldn't.

"No, my soulmate is someone you know. You know them quite well, infact I could go as far as to (<-- haha, 420 words) say you like him," Elizabeth said, a smirk enveloping her face.

"Not possible. The only person I like is-" She looked at Meliodas, "I-Is... No way."

Elizabeth felt happy with herself, it didn't last long.

"Is it true?" Kaitlyn asked Meliodas.

Meliodas slowly nodded, "It's true," His purple-black eyes darkened.

"No way." Kaitlyn awed.
I am so sorry for the late and short chapter... I'm so ashamed of myself. My teachers have been assigning more school work, the excuse being, "YoU hAvE aLl ThE tImE iN tHe WoRlD." darn teachers.

And can I rant for a bit? You can skip this.

Couples. I have a problem with the words, 'i love you,' not that they're bad words or anything, but you should wait before telling the person your dating that you love them.

Thats a big step and it shouldn't be rushed. After all, i love you can mean a lot if things and each of those things are special. The words shouldn't be thrown around or used carelessly. The first time you tell someone you love them, could be your last time telling that to anyone. So it makes me angry with rage (reference) when people say it the first day they meet.

I get it. People do it on their own time, but some things need to be slowed down. And saying I love you is one of them, to me at least.

Rant over.

Thank you all for 1k!! I dont know if I already thanked you, but I'm going to do it again!!!! Thank youuuu!


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