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This chapter contains a bit more cussing then my normal ones.... You have been warned (if you see any mistakes please point them out to me. Thanks)


November came and went, during this time Elizabeth met Meliodas's younger brother, Zeldris. They seemed to have a lot of things in common. Now then, let's go to present time.

Elizabeth was walking home one rainy day and, coincidentally, Zeldris was walking as well. They weren't walking together of course, but they were walking.

The rain made the sidewalks sleek and slippery, add that to the ice that was starting to form and you get a recipe for disaster. Especially for dear old clumsy Elizabeth.

Everything was going fine, until she misplaced one foot and the other slipped on the ice and she fell face first into the ground, the bottom of her shirt getting caught in the unusually sharp stairwell leading underground. Her shirt ripped down the front, exposing her tan bra. Everything was going fine.

Luckily, Zeldris saw her hurtful, and hilarious, fall and rushed to her side to cover her exposed chest. He hugged her at first, not having time to take off his jacket.

"O-Oh, thank you Z-Zeldris." Elizabeth stuttered, her face red from embarrassment.

"It's fine. It provided entertainment for this dull and boring day." Zeldris said, laughing a bit at the end. Right before he let go of her, they could've sworn they heard a click. Not thinking much of it, he helped her up and gave her his coat.

"Be careful walking home!" Zeldris yelled, already walking away from the silver-haired girl.

"I will!" She yelled back.

Continuing his walk home, Zeldris soon arrived at his house. Walking in, he was immediately met with Meliodas.

"Oh, Meliodas. I just saw the funniest thi-"

Zeldris was rudely cut off by his older brother, "What the f***ing h*ll Zeldris?!"

Zeldris was taken aback by Meliodas's anger. Especially since it was pointed at him.

"Whoa, calm down! What's got you *ss-cheeks clenched?!" Zeldris yelled back.

Meliodas held out his phone for Zeldris to see. It was a message from Kaitlyn and it showed a picture of Elizabeth and Zeldris. In the rain. With Elizabeth's shirt absent.

Zeldris laughed at the memory of Elizabeth falling in such a funny way.

"Oh, t-t-that." He stammered between his words, too busy laughing.

"Ya! 'That.'" Meliodas made quotation marks with his fingers. His face seethed with anger.

Zeldris stopped laughing once he saw how serious Meliodas was being. "I don't get it. Why are you so angry?" He asked in utter confusion.

"Maybe because my brother and soulmate are getting f***ing cozy with one another!" He threw his phone at the wall, cracking it, but it still worked.

Zeldris jumped a bit at the sound of the phone hitting the wall. 'Well this conversation turned sour fast.' He thought. (Wasn't it sour to begin with?)

"Look," Zeldris sighed, annoyed at the thought of Meliodas not using his brain, "That photo was taken out of context. Elizabeth fell, ripped her shirt, and all I did was cover her. I gave her my jacket and we parted ways," Zeldris explained, "There is nothing, absolutely nothing, between me and Elizabeth. Plus, Kaitlyn sent you that photo. You don't find it a little fishy that she, the one person that wants you and Elizabeth apart, would send you that photo without explaining the situation behind it?" Zeldris concluded.

All this did was feed in to Meliodas's anger, "Like h*ll I believe you. Kaitlyn is the only one on my side, excluding the Sins of course!"

"You don't believe your own brother? Fine! Go f*ck yourself for all I care!" Zeldris pushed past Meliodas, purposefully shoving shoulders with him. Stomping up the stairs, Zeldris ran into his room, slamming the door behind him.

He screamed into his pillow and across the hallway, into the other room, Meliodas was doing the exact same.


Elizabeth arrived home in a short amount of time, forgetting all about the embarrassing moment with Zeldris. Taking off her soaking wet shoes at the door, she walked up the stairs.

"Veronica?!" She yelled. After a few minutes of silence, she concluded that Veronica was out doing something.

'Please don't send the cops here again.' Elizabeth thought.

She looked to the kitchen table and saw her phone. She also saw that her phone was blowing up with texts.

She had texts from everyone. Diane, Elaine, King, Ban, Meliodas, even Kaitlyn. She read through each of them.

Diane: How could you do that to Captain?! You're just like Kaitlyn. Actually, you're even worse than her!

King: With the Captain's brother? I'm disappointed in you.

Elaine: I should never have helped you that day!

Ban: You left him heartbroken..

Kaitlyn: Now Meliodas will be mine! Hope you have a happily never after with his brother. Tata~

Meliodas: ... I'm kicking you out of the group

Elizabeth started tearing up at first when reading Diane's message, but after Meliodas's text, she was full on bawling. She wondered what she did to make them angry.

She fell to the floor, landing on her knees, she had one hand over her mouth and the other was furiously wiping her tears. "What did I do?" She repeated over and over.

She heard a 'PING' indicating that she got another number.

Zeldris: This is why you're getting angry text's. [Insert whatever weird mind image you had here]

Elizabeth started crying again, but it soon turned to giggling. Then chuckling, until she was full on laughing.

"Why can't I stop crying?! I'm laughing aren't I?! That means I'm happy!" She shouted, while tears cascaded down her face, "Just....Stop...C-Crying..."

This is gonna sound terrible, but I tried not to laugh while writing this...

Any way:

Have an amazing Mario day!! (Or Mar

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Have an amazing Mario day!! (Or Mar. 10)


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