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So, we're back to the actual storyline. Finally.


Elizabeth was walking in the halls when she heard a voice say, "Now then, I believe you owe him an apology."

Wondering what the heck was going on, this curious Madlad (I'm sorry) decided to go check it out. Turning down the hall way, she saw a senior she recognized as Sariel dart off as these two guys walked away holding hands.

Misunderstanding the situation, she came to the conclusion that the two boys were bullying Sariel. And being an anti-bullier, her shy shell came off and the gross inner skin was exposed. (What the actual frick is wrong with me??)

"Hey!" She yelled out, attracting the attention of the two boys.

One wore a bored look and had dyed albino hair. It was relatively short, but could also cover his face if he pulled it down. He had pale, freckled skin and looked quite slim. His ears were decorated with earrings. One on the earlobe and three following up the cartilage of his outer ear. His dull brown eyes bore into Elizabeths' entire being. He was observing her and figuring out her motive.

'By the stance she has, she seems like she's about to scold us. But what reason would she have to do that?' Aito thought, trying to figure out Elizabeths' motive.

The other boy had a curious look on his face, as if he were wondering what the secret to the world was.

'If a rock meets another rock, is it possible for the two to fall in love? And if so, if their heart breaks, would the rock break as well? WHAT IF CHEESE DIDN'T MELT??' These were the questions that were circling Kazutos' brain.

The boy in question had a dark brown undercut, the top of his hair dyed a light brown. He was shorter than Alex, but not by much. His light blue eyes seemed to shine upon seeing Elizabeth, his lips morphing into a smile. He only had one piercing on his left ear, he was in too much pain after getting the first one to continue, but Aito is the only one who knows.

"Do you need something?" Aito asked, not being able to figure out what she wanted.

"Bullying people is wrong and I can't let you get away with that," Elizabeth told them, walking towards them.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kazuto asked, confused by this situation.

Elizabeth walked closer and pointed down the hall, "You bullied Sariel, the boy who ran down that hall."

"Um, Miss, this is a misunderstanding. If anything, he was bullying us and Aito was just having him say sorry. Although it was kinda both mine and Sariels, is that his name?, fault. I guess from a outsiders point of view it can seem like bullying, but Aito was just trying to help me. He would never bully someone, he's too soft for that-" Kazuto was cut off by Aito.

"Remember to save your words Kazuto," Aito said, but Kazuto knew what he meant.

'"Stop talking or I'll kill you," Ya, I know what you mean Aito,' Kazuto thought, immediately shutting up.

"Wait- what happened?" Elizabeth asked. Kazuto talked too fast for her to understand and, even if he talked slow, she was sure he steered away from the original topic.

"What my boyfriend was trying to say here is that, we didn't bully Sariel. He and Kazuto bumped into each other and Sariel yelled at us. Naturally, I couldn't let someone get away with hurting Kazutos' feelings, so I calmly asked him to say sorry," Aito explained.

"Oh," Elizabeth blushed from embarrassment, her shy shell coming back on, "Sorry, my mistake."

"It's fine, it probably looked like bullying from an outsiders view," Kazuto replied, happily accepting Elizabeths' apology.

"Anyway, we have to get going," Aito said, the more skeptical of the pair.

"No, No, let's all have lunch together," Kazuto said.

"Uh, if you guys are okay with it, then it's fine," Elizabeth agreed, not being able to resist Kazuto.

"Well, we kind-" Kazuto cut Aito off.

"We weren't waiting for anyone, so it's completely okay," Kazuto said, exposing the couples loneliness.

'Fine Kazuto, I understand. "We are eating lunch with her, to clear up any bad misconceptions about us,"' Aito looked at Kazuto and sighed, "Ya, we're free."

"Okay, I hope you don't mind eating with a couple of my friends," Elizabeth said, walking toward the back of the school with Aito and Kazuto following behind.

"Ya... That's fine," Aito said, holding tightly to Kazuto. Kazuto smiled and the pair continued following.

Arriving to the usual lunch spot, Elizabeth, Aito, and Kazuto were all greeted with stares.

"Hey guys, these are Aito and Kazuto, they'll be joining us for lunch and the plan," Elizabeth told Derieri, Diane, King, Ban, and Zeldris.

"The plan?" Kazuto asked as Aito tightened his grip.

Elizabeth nervously giggled, "Uh, we meet up during lunch to improve on plan MEAT."

"Plan, meat?" Aito asked, his hand loosening his grip.

"No, she said MEAT," Kazuto corrected him.

"Isn't that what I said?" Aito asked Kazuto.

"You said meat, she said MEAT," Kazuto elaborated.

Aito stared at Kazuto, "Why would that matter?" Aito knew Kazuto was only smart in the stupidest things.

"Because they are two different things. Meat is referring to 'The flesh of an animal as food,' while MEAT is whatever they are planning," Kazuto gave the definition of meat, which no one questions why he knows it, and shot down any confusion about the two.

"Fine, what's MEAT?" Aito asked Elizabeth.

"While, it's the plan to get Meliodas and Elaines trust back," Elizabeth told the two.

"Who are they?" Kazuto asked.

"They're our friends and we're sure you'll meet them. So, want to join?" Diane asked, excited at the thought of more helpers.

Aito and Kazuto shared a look.

"We just have one question," Kazuto started.

"Why would you need to gain their trust back?" Aito finished.

Just remember, this is the person who is writing the book you are reading

***Just remember, this is the person who is writing the book you are reading

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