(24) - Failure

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Silence surrounded us in a cloud of tension. We had been walking nonstop, only shortly resting in the night, before continuing to search for Four. We weren't even sure if we were walking in the correct direction, but the frozen footsteps in the hard snow told us otherwise. I was confident that we were sharp on their tail.

Dread suddenly overcame me. I stopped walking and looked back to where we came from. Shortly after the others walked back to me, asking if something was wrong. I just knew that something was going to happen. Tightening the grib on my Machete I slowly walked backwards. My allies hesitantly followed my example. Easton stood still with his serrated sword, ready to fight. Viscera visibly tensed when we heard a twig snap. She also held her Kukri, which she had obtained a while ago, in her hand.

Then we heard the thumbing of feet hitting onto the icy ground. Shortly after we saw them. I made eye contact with Luster, the boy from One, before turning around a taking off in a sprint. The others closely followed me. The Careers were double as many as us, we wouldn't have a chance in a direct fight.

"You guys still remember the place where we rested last night? Let's split up and meet there, when we lose them."

Easton shook his head.

"That isn't a good idea, what if they all follow one person?"

Sighing I looked over at him. Worry was evident in his brown eyes.

"We have to take the risk, or else we won't be able to lose them at all."

Giving in we split up. Viscera turned left while I started running in the opposite direction. Easton continued straight forward. Quickly glancing over my shoulder, I noticed Byte and Techna, both from District Three, running after me. The boy only held a knife in his right hand, while the girl was armed with a lance. Techna slowly started to fall behind. It didn't take long for her to stop, panting. Byte either didn't notice or just didn't care that he was pursuing me all on his own. Maybe I could handle him, after all he seemed to have a wound on his left arm. His blood was showing through the white bandages.

I continued to run a little while longer, when one of my loose braids was suddenly yanked backwards. Gritting my teeth a squeal escaped my lips, when I was thrown on the ground. Rolling onto my back I was able to dodge the knife, that was aimed to kill me. The weapon still grazed my right upper arm. The stinging was almost unnoticeable, because of the adrenaline.

I kicked the boy in his shin, the iron stubbles on the sole of my boots, embedded themselves into his flesh. Byte screamed out in pain, before kicking my side. The thick jacket luckily softened his force. Swiftly reaching for my Machete, I sprung to my feet, with my back turned to the other tribute. He lunged at me and just when he was about to stab me, I turned around and buried my weapon into his abdomen. Byte let go of his knife and held onto my Machete. Tears were streaming down his face, when he fell to the floor with a groan. I yanked the weapon out of his body and wiped the blood off in the snow. Byte was breathing heavily, when he watched me walk away to go to our agreed meeting place. The loud gunshot didn't even face me anymore.

The Careers had probably been following us for a while now. Though their plan was a complete failure. Easton and Viscera were already waiting for me. They seemed to be relieved when I walked up to them.

"We thought they got you."

Viscera rushed over to my side, inspecting the wound on my right arm. She herself had a rather deep cut on her left cheek. I softly wiped the blood away.

"The girl from Two got me with her spear"

Nodding at her explanation I told them what had happened.

"The wound doesn't look that bad, but it is still deep. It probably hurts."

Now that the adrenaline was slowly leaving my body, I could feel the stinging more stronger. Sounds coming from above caught our attention. A small parachute was gliding down to us. Easton caught the container, opened it and took a note out of it.

"Apply generously and next time be more careful. -G"

He gave Viscera another small container. She pulled down my jacket and started to apply the ointment. Looking up into the sky I smiled gratefully.

"Thanks Genera."

When Viscera was done, she also bandaged my arm. I put my jacket back on and also treated the deep cut on her cheek. At first she refused, but she already knew how stubborn I was. This time we had been lucky enough to escape, but we really needed to be more careful of our surroundings. This could have gone completely differently.


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