(10) - Restless night

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The second day of training continued quite similar as the first. I tried out camouflage, but quickly noticed that this wasn't my thing at all. I was horrible at it. After that embarrassing experience I went to the rope course and the gauntlet station. Trying to ignore the peering eyes of the Careers. I did better then I expected on those stations.

It didn't take long for lunch to arrive. I once again got the same food as yesterday and sat with the others. We were getting along better and talked a lot more then before. Sadly this short break was soon over. We parted ways as I went to the screen to test out my knowledge with eatable plants and insects.

"Look who we have here."

Annoyed to get interrupted while concentrating I turned around, only to be faced with none other than the girl from Four. The other Careers where standing behind her, watching us with nasty smirks.

"Playing puppy for the Careers, I see."

The girl from Four, I remembered her name being Siren, was practically fuming with anger. She seemed to have a rather short temper. I tried to look as calm as possible when she started to get closer to me. She raised her fist in the air, aiming straight at my nose. Someone grabbed her hand roughly, just as she was about to hit me.

"Don't touch her."

Easton clearly wasn't in the mood for her. I noticed that everyone was looking at us. Viscera, Chopp and Grove came over to us and stood beside me.

"Whoever hurts an ally of mine will regret it."

Visceras voice was dangerously low as her eyes were filled with disgust. Trainers rushed over to separate us and lead the Careers to another part of the room.

"Thanks guys, but you didn't have to. I could have handled her."

Easton playfully ruffled my hair as Grove spoke up, in a small voice.

"Still, that's what friends are for. We are allies, right?"

We turned our attention to the blushing girl and squished her in a hug.

"Of course! Almost thought that you would never ask."

Chopp smiled playfully at her as he spoke.


I couldn't seem to fall asleep that night. After countless times of turning around in my bed I sat up, sighing from exhaustion. I hopped out of the warm covers and but on some blue, fluffy slippers. Silently leaving the apartment, I went into the elevator. I didn't really know where to go, when a button at the very top caught my eye. I pushed it out of curiosity and soon felt the escalator ascending in a rapid pace.

The view I was met with was breathtaking. I was currently at the rooftop of the building and could overlook almost the whole city. Rushing to the railing I took a relieved breath as I watched the stars in the sky, shining brighter then ever. I was startled when a voice suddenly sounded from behind me.

"Didn't expect to meet someone here. Let me guess... you can't sleep?"

I didn't turn my head to look at him. I already knew it was Finnick Odair, because I could see him in the corner of my eye. Shrugging I continued to look at the sky. He leaned against the railings with his back, watching me curiously.

"You don't talk much, do you?"

He sighed as I ignored him once again.

"Look... I'm sorry about my tribute Siren. She is very skilled with weapons but doesn't have a lot going on up here."

He pointed to his head as I finally turned sideways to look at him. My eyebrows furrowed at his statement.

"Why are you apologising for something you have no control over? After all it isn't your fault that you have to mentor a brainless girl."

He snorted as a small smile passed over my features. He actually wasn't that bad as the rumours made him look like.

"Suprised I'm not as bad as everyone thinks I am?"

There was a teasing look in his eyes while fully turning to me. One of his hands went trough his hair as a shadow seemed to cast over his eyes.

"I'm not as oblivious as everyone thinks I am. I notice what is going on around me. Just like I'm noticing that you are deeply worried about something."

My smile quickly faded away as he caught me slightly off guard with the last bit. I looked down at the ground as my right hand started tapping on my leg, a habit of mine I did whenever I got nervous.

"It's that obvious?"

My shoulders dropped as I stopped pretending. Every since I stepped onto that stage I had started to pretend to be fine. I pretended to be fearless all the time and because of that I somehow tricked my mind into believing it. My lips started to tremble as I quickly looked away from him. I didn't want anyone to see me as weak.

"You can let your guard down around me, you know? You don't have to pretend, because I know how it feels. After all I also was just a young boy before my games."

He softly embraced me. At first I was trying to break free from his arms, but his soft words let me relax at least a little bit, before I broke down. My tears streamed down my face as painful sobs shook my whole body. I sunk to the floor, my feet no longer being able to support my weight. Finnick kept on holding me in his arms. His warmth made my loneliness disappear. He stroked my back as his chin rested on my head. My tears were soaking trough his shirt, but he seemed to either not notice or simply didn't care.

"I-I'm so scared. I'm terrified of what is about to come. Two of my best friends will go in there with me. What if I loose them, or Chopp or Grove? I-I just-"

My voice cracked and I couldn't speak anymore. Finnick started to softly rock us back and forth, trying to get me to calm down.

"Everything is going to be fine, okay? Whenever you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, then you can find me here. I mostly spent my whole night up here, watching the stars. Just know that everyone cares about you."


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