(19) - Reunited

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A nudge to my ribs makes me jerk awake to see Visceras worried face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, while she helped me sit up. Sighing I started to massage my forehead, trying to get rid of the headache, that seemed to tear my skull apart. We were currently sitting ontop of a tree branch. Our ropes were tautly secured around us, reassuring us that we wouldn't fall down.

"Are you okay? You looked like you had a nightmare, so I woke you up."

A frown made its way onto my face. The hairs of my neck stood upright, while every detail of the horrible dream came flooding back in like a tsunami, haunting me, even while I was awake. My cold hands started to tremble lightly, only stopping when Viscera grasped them with her warm ones.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I couldn't bring myself to look my friend in the eyes, while I contemplated to tell her everything.

"Let's just say that two people lost their lifes because of me."

I noticed the hesitance in Visceras reaction. The way she swallowed heavily made it evident that she felt uncomfortable. Taking my hands away from her I untied the rope around me.

"We should continue searching for them."

Viscera nodded, looking like she had zoned out. Shaking her head she followed my actions. Trying to get away from this awkward silence I climbed down the tree with my backpack on my shoulders and the handle of my machete in my mouth. As soon as I reached the ground, I took the machete out of my mouth and held it in my right hand. Viscera soon followed afterwards, her eyes fixated on the weapon in my pale hand.

"You know that I would never hurt you, right? I didn't have any other choice. It was either them or me."

Not waiting for an answer I continued trudging in the snow. My friend followed me, though she kept her distance. This broke my heart and made me instantly regret the decision to tell her. Fixating my eyes on the horizon I focused my attention on our search for the others. Yesterday we had been walking for hours, without any success. At night we discovered that the shot we had heard was for the boy from District seven, Rowan Barker. He was Groves District partner. I hoped that his death didn't affect the little girl in any way.

After a couple of hours we came across another clearing with a huge, frozen lake. Compared to the last lake I had found, the ice of this one was way thicker and it would be harder to get water. Just as we were about to walk out of the shadows of the trees I noticed other people stepping on the clearing on the opposite side from us. Stretching my arm out I stopped Viscera, who was about to walk past me. Squinting my eyes I tried to make out who the tributes were, but it didn't take me long to recognize them.

With a beaming smile I sprinted in their direction. The 17 year old boy turned around, upon hearing my footsteps. His brown hair casted a shadow on his face, which made him appear colder and more menacing. His chocolate brown eyes widened as he dropped his serrated sword. Carelessly throwing my weapon in the snow I crushed into him. His arms snaked around my waist as he engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.


My best friend laughed softly while letting me go. The sound of his deep voice was like music to my ears. Suddenly I was pushed to the cold ground. Blonde locks of hair appeared in front of me. Sky blue eyes stared into my own, forest green eyes. A huge smile lightened up the features of the 13 year old.


Grove sat ontop of me her petite arms around my neck, while she studied me. Her hair had been tied in a messy, low ponytail. Viscera also appeared in the corner of my eyes. She was smiling from ear to ear while enveloping her District partner, Chopp, in a hug. His curly, russet brown hair softly floated with the wind.
We had finally reunited. Our alliance, consisting of five people, was finally together again.

Grove got onto her feet while reaching a hand out, to help me up. Chopp also came over to us, handing me my machete back, while Easton picked up his own weapon. We were all smiling like we weren't in the arena. It felt like we were just old friends, getting together to watch a movie, but sadly the reality was brutal and gruesome. If I didn't know it now, then I would be sure to find out soon, but for now I was just glad to see them all alive, even if we all knew that it wouldn't stay like that for a long time. After all we were still in the 68th Hunger Games. Competing against the other twelve, still remaining tributes.


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