Supreme Display of Talents

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Summary: A battle between two students: One who gained his redemption by embracing his flaws and changing his views towards people while the other demands retribution, his way of avenging his old self. Showcasing their talents, which hero student wins the grand duel?

Author's Note: It is recommended to listen to the song titled "Warriors" by 2WEI feat. Edda Hayes. The song originated from the band Imagine Dragons, but this version is very epic to listen! :D 


Alone inside the boy's locker room, the ash-blond Katsuki was sitting on the wooden bench facing at the silver metal lockers with a body towel wrapped around his waist as half of his body is topless, revealing his visible bulge and buffed chesticles, biceps down to his abdominal muscles with a few marks and scratches located on front and back part of his body, showing that he really worked hard to reach his own potential, as well as the redemption he wanted. With this battle training, he will show his former childhood friend that he's no longer that asshole and foul-mouthed jerk in the middle school because he believes that a broken relationship can still be reforged.

His back bent downwards and the tip of the elbows rested on his legs. Katsuki has been closing his eyes for a minute now with his calm expression, listening to a song with his earbuds on. He let out some soft whispers of the lyrics.

As a child, you would wait

And watch from far away

But you always knew that you'd be the one

That work while they all play

In youth, you'd lay

Awake at night and scheme

Of all the things that you would change

But it was just a dream!

Katsuki stood up and went to his opened locker where his hero costume, grenade-looking gauntlets, and boots placed. They were all cleaned, washed, and polished from the support department. One at the time he wore his garments followed by his boots and other equipment. While dressing up to prepare for his duel with Izuku, he sang the chorus of his most played song.

Here we are, don't turn away now,

We are the warriors that built this town

Here we are, don't turn away now

We are the warriors that built this town

From dust.

After a minute of fixing himself, facing in front of the small mirror located inside the locker door, he wore his mask around his eyes, jagged and black, tying around the back of his head before closing the locker, walking slowly towards the exit with a whisper.

"I didn't want a challenge, but since it's Izuku who wanted a duel then I will give my all~" He said in a serious low tone.

Meanwhile at the men's shower area, standing still in the running showers pouring from his head to his feet, Izuku motioned his right hand towards his necklace. An old bronze crest necklace he received from on the monks in Hirana. He bowed his head down and closed his eyes before starting his prayer, a ritual before the battle training.

"Glory to the Thunder God of the Thousand-Pierced Beast. Give me the resilience of your wilderness and the fury of your storm."

He paused for five seconds and breathed deeply. Let out the air by exhaling and continued his chant.

Izuku Midoriya - The Defiant BladeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant