"He likes me too."

Bakugou went to the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Merry Christmas Katsuki!" Kirishima's mom, a lady with black hair styled into a messy bun tied with a red bandana and having kind light brown eyes, said to him and continued to scramble some eggs. "Merry Christmas auntie." "So are you going to visit your parents today?" "Uhh, I haven't really decided yet...probably not though." "Hmph, you know I can still go over there for you and try to talk some sense into them. Like I have enough time to spend with my little Eijiro and I have to work two jobs just to take care of him...and his friends too." She said while ruffling the blondes hair and putting a plate of bacon and eggs in front him.

"Ha, thanks auntie. I'll let you know if I need your help." Bakugou told her which made her smile. "MA! Look what Bakubro got me!" Kirishima yelled while running into the kitchen and showing his jacket off to his mom.  "Haha it's nice but can I hear more about it over breakfast?" She said while placing the other plates down on the table. "Okay!" Kirishima said and excitedly sat down and started scarfing down some eggs which made his mom laugh.

After breakfast Bakugou started getting ready to head over to the hospital.

Bakugou entered the building and went up to the front desk seeing Nurse Joy on the computer. "Merry Christmas." Bakugou told her while handing her a present. "What's this?" She questioned while taking the small gift. "Open it." Was all Bakugou told her. She slowly unwrapped the gift revealing a small white box which she opened. She smiled as she pulled out the phone keychain.

"You stopped taking my phone so I thought you might want a replacement."  Bakugou told her and she smiled. "Thank you." "Don't mention it. Is Deku here yet?" "No he's not down here yet but the kids are all in the lounge. Actually I think they were waiting for you." "Really?" "Yup they said they won't open anything until you get here." "Ha, thanks." He said and turned to go to the lounge.

Once he stepped into the lounge all the kids immediately swarmed him. "Alright alright get off me you little brats and go open your damn presents!" He told them and they immediately started yelling excitedly and running over to the pile of presents to open them all up.

Bakugou smiled and sat down at one of the tables just watching them laugh and smile at all the new toys they are getting.

"Ahh I always wanted this!" One of the kids screamed while hugging the toy. "Ooh look at this one!" Another yelled. "This ones my favorite!" They continued to yell out enthusiastically.

"It's nice isn't it?" Bakugou heard someone say and looked up to see Torino standing there. "Yeah...it is." Bakugou said while looking back at the kids smiling faces. "All of them have gone through so much and at such young ages I'm glad you were able to give them this." "Me too." "They are so damn noisy though no wonder no one else is down here!" Torino complained while covering his ears as another kid started yelling which made Bakugou chuckle lightly.

"I assume you got a present for Izuku too a good one I hope." Torino said. "Yeah, I did." Bakugou nodded. "Hmm it better be something good it will be the first gift he's gotten in a long time." "Wait his mom doesn't get him anything?" Bakugou asked now looking at Tornio who just shook his head. "Not really. She has a good reason why though." "Which is?" "Huh, I don't remember I'm too old for that."  Torino said making Bakugou sigh. "Fine but whatever the reason is my gift will make up for all the times he didn't get one." "If you say so." "Kacchan!" Izuku called when he spotted the blonde at the table.

(The song fits better here)

"That's my queue to leave." Torino said and made his way out while Izuku made his way over to Bakugou and sat next to him. "I can't believe you and Uraraka managed to get so many presents!" Izuku said while looking at the kids tearing through the wrapping paper or opening some of the un wrapped toys. "Yeah it wasn't that hard all I had to do was have my hand be stabbed by some broken glass." "Ha, well I'm glad you're better now and besides it lead to a bunch of happy kids!" "Yeah I guess that's the only good thing that came out of it." Some of the kids then rushed over to bother the teens and show them their cool new toys.

"Ooh Deku Santa got you a present!" One of the kids said while pointing to the neatly wrapped guitar shaped present. "What? *gasp* You didn't!" Izuku gasped out while standing up from his seat and looking at Bakugou who was just smiling at the greenette's reaction. "Why don't you find out." Bakugou said while nodding his head over to the gift.

Izuku went over to the tree and picked up the present. "Kacchan..." Izuku whispered out while looking down at the present. "Come one open it!" Bakugou urged him on so he can see Izuku's full reaction. Izuku completely unwrapped the present and started giggling when he saw the pictures.

The acoustic guitar which was light brown had various pictures painted on it. The pictures consisted of a pony, a dinosaur, a rocket ship, the apple logo, the Tesla logo, a submarine, ninja stars, a barn, and a puppy.

"Sooo?" Bakugou questioned.  "Haha*ahem* I love it! Thank you Kacchan!" Izuku said with a big closed eyed smile making the blonde blush. "I-it was nothing." Bakugou said while rubbing the back of his neck and smiling at the teen. "I can't wait to learn how to play this." Izuku mumbled while strumming one of the strings. "Ha yeah then maybe you could write me a song." Bakugou joked making Izuku smile at the thought. "Maybe." He mumbled quietly.

"I can't believe you actually got me this...I don't know if my present will top this."  Izuku said while messing with the tuning pegs. "Wait you got me a present?!" Bakugou questioned and Izuku nodded. "Do you want it now?" He asked and Bakugou nodded. Izuku took Bakugou hand and lead him to the doorway. He let go of his hand and looked around before looking back at Bakugou.

"I'm not really supposed to do this but since it already happened before..." Izuku mumbled out while looking down and twisting one of his feet from side to side. "Izuku looked back up at Bakugou and bit his lip slightly before speaking. "Do you want a do over?" Izuku asked and pointed up. Bakugou looked up and an immediate blush appeared on his face when he saw the mistletoe still hanging there.

'His present is a kiss! I actually get a chance to kiss him again!' Bakugou thought and looked back down at Izuku only to see him looking down with an extremely red face. Bakugou took a step closer and and gently lifted Izuku's chin up so they had to look directly at each other. 'I'll make this one more memorable.' Bakugou thought while looking down at Izuku's lips.

The two got closer as their faces burned brighter and soon the gap between the two was closed.

Both boys melted into the kiss. Izuku moved his arms to around the blondes neck while Bakugou held Izuku's face with both of his hands. His thumb gently caressing the boys freckled cheek every now and then.

The kiss was slow and tender. Both trying to get used to this new feeling. One being gentle since it's his first kiss and the one he's kissing has piercings on his lips and on his tongue that he doesn't want to mess with and end up hurting the older teen. The other being careful not to rush these sorts of things like usual since he's after the boys heart not his body.

As two slowly pulled away
They stood still by the doorway

Both hearts pounded in their chest
As they completed this love test

Green was meet with red.
Unspoken words will soon be said.

And as the silence grew and grew.
Both boys finally said...

"I like you."

They started smiling and laughing at the other. "S-so what now?" Izuku asked while brushing a piece of his hair out of his face. "Now we stay like this until one of us wants to leave." Bakugou said while pressing their foreheads together. "I don't want to leave..." Izuku whispered while getting closer making their noses brush together. "Me neither..." Bakugou whispered back and closed the gap between their lips again.

"Wait does this mean I don't have to become a doctor to get a date with you anymore?" Bakugou suddenly pulled away to ask. "Ha, silly Kacchan..." Was all Izuku said before they went back to their kiss.


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