"Love" (The end)

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The ride to the way home was silent, yet peaceful. Beam was sleeping like an angel beside me in the passenger seat, maybe the too much crying or drugs made him exhausted.

As we reached home, I couldn't bring myself to wake up this sleeping beauty. 

I remembered our first date, even that day he was sleeping just like right now.

I stepped out of the car, then I thought of bringing the sleeping beauty home. So i picked him up very gently in bridal style, I didn't want to wake him up. he needs to sleep, It will be good for him.

I reached my room or should I say our room, and tucked Beam into bed. But before, I needed to clean him up, so I brought warm water and cloth and gently cleaned him without waking him up.

I dropped a kiss on my sleeping beauty's forehead; Then thought I should cook something, so I went to the kitchen to cook some coogi for him.


When I woke up, I wasn’t in the abandoned building anymore. Then I remembered that P’Forth came to rescue me. But now, why was I alone in the empty bed? When did he leave me here?

I got up and went out of the room to look for him; then I heard a humming song from the kitchen and when I went there P’Forth was cooking something. Is he cooking for me?

"You should have rested more," - he said without turning.

"Ummm how did you know I was here? I didn't make any sound" - I asked.

"I just know when you are near me nong" - replied Forth.

"Just go sit at the dining table. I'll be done soon" - He added.

I didn't say anything and just went to sit down on the table.

After a few minutes, he came with coongi and gave me one bowl, but I was lost in m thoughts.

"Nong, what are you thinking about?" - asked Forth as he held my hand.

"P’Fforth we can't be together" - I said.

"What are you talking about? Why can't we be together?" - asked Forth.

"Because I said so," - I replied.

"What happened nong? will you please tell phi?  don't you love phi anymore? What did phi did wrong, that nong is saying this?! If it’s about the fact that I can't protect you, P’ is sorry and I‘m not gonna let that happen again" - Forth said. The pain was clearly showing in his eyes.

"I love you phi and only you, but you doesn't deserve someone like me. I don't deserve your love phi. I am broken and shattered into pieces that cannot be mold into new. You know I was raped...I’m like garbage, that's why I am letting you go before I can't do it" I replied and burst into tears.

Forth embraced the crying nong “let me show you what you are to me, let me be the person who heals your broken self, let me love you and show you that you are not something that should be thrown away. If I deserve anyone... that one is only you, my love" - said Forth.

"It's not your fault what Mark did to you. He was a fool who doesn't understand how precious you are, love. Let me show you how valuable you are to me" - added forth.

As I was staring at Forth’s eyes to find any kind of lie, disgust and hate, but all I could see in his eyes was pure love. I didn't say anything, just nodded my head in agreement.

Forth picked me up in the bridal style and went to his room.

Forth put me on bed and started kissing all over my face. My forehead, both cheeks, my lips but all kisses were soft and gentle. It was love not lust.

"Can I show you more love?"-  Forth asked for permission to do something more, so I nodded in agreement.

Forth removed my t-shirt. Then he went down, from lips to the neck and he started planting gentle kisses to his neck, down to his nipples and his stomach. He kept going down, he removed my shorts and kept kissing my body.

With love and care, Forth kissed Beam. 

Forth went from kissing his thighs to his legs and his feet. 

Forth didn't think for a second, he was worshipping Beam's body kissing every part of him...

Forth removed his clothes and went to the nearby drawer to bring three things: a lube condom and a small velvet box.

He picked a ring from the box and slid it into his ring finger to both of their hands.

"Will you marry me?" - he whispered into Beam's ears.

"Yes, I will" - I said hugging Forth.

"So make love to me, beam" - said Forth.

Beam broke the hug 

"What are you saying phi?" - asked Beam.

"I am saying, make love to me. Show me how much you love. I want to give myself to you. 

It doesn't matter who is the one doing it to me, but I want you to feel loved"-  said Forth as he kissed my forehead.

"Are you sure?" - asked Beam.

Forth nodded his head 

For the whole night, they made love to each other. First Beam, then Forth. and slept in each other's arms.


[ A/N ]

Proofreading by @FADL_Julie

When you graduate from "Being In Love" to "Loving Someone" you understand - Love is not about owning, Love is about wanting the best for them, It's about seeing or Helping them achieve great heights, with or without you. Love is not what you say, it's what you do. So forth showed beam that he loved him truly when beam felt that isn't worthy of love forth's love  forth showed what really love is truly love beam, forth made bean felt love right in the places when bean feel most unsure and most vulnerable.And that';show forth help beam to love himself. 

I don't know what you think about whole story but I am very happy that I can do it and I am very grateful to those who  read my story 

I didn't think anyone would read it, but a lot of people did.

I want to thank you everyone for giving your precious time to my story!

Love you all see on my other works …. if you want 😘 for now it's time to say goodbye.)

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