My life turns upside down

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[ A/N ]

Maybe you will feel a little confused at first, but just go with the flow! 

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 "Why are you doing this?" - I said between sniffles without realizing I was crying.

When you’re in love – true love – you will feel that this person completes you and makes you the happiest when you are together. Once you find this person, never let them go!

(but maybe I did)

The best and the worst thing about love is that it cannot be expressed in words.

When you truly love someone, it may be hard to express those emotions through words. Love may make you feel weak in the knees and unable to speak. Perhaps that’s the best type of love – where the other person makes you fall so completely in love that you are unable to think properly. Though that can become a problem as well.

LIFE – is a four-letter word that is complicated enough that no one will ever decode its true meaning. Whether you were born into a wealthy family or a poor one, your life will be full of ups and downs. The goal in life is to minimize the down’s and live a happy and inspiring existence.

Some people wish that their life will work out the way they want it to be. 

But let me ask you a simple question, do you like to watch a movie that has a predictable plot?     My guess is, NO.

“So many people suffer from abuse, and suffer alone”.

“It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind”.

“From every wound, there is a scar and every scar tells a story. A Story that says "I have survived" “Turn your wounds into wisdom.”

It hurts the most when the person that made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today”.

"Where the fuck is my food?!" - I woke up with screaming and a punch in the stomach!

I opened my eyes and tears began to spill down my cheeks

"I swear if you cry, I'll hit you harder," - Mark said 

I nodded my head and wiped my face clear.

He grabbed me by my hand, pulled me out of my room and down the stairs. 

Well, I have a big room but for me, it was more like a cage in the house. I couldn’t go out without his permission I could only leave the house when I went to university, and even for that he would pick me up and drop me. I couldn't be late for a single second that would turn out into a disaster for me.

As I struggled to get out of his tight grip, he threw me into the kitchen, grabbing a pot and beating me with it. 

"This will teach you to wake up and make breakfast," - He said angrily.

I stayed in the corner trying not to cry.

 Whenever I cried it only made him angrier and the hits were harder.

He hits me only where there no one can see.

Well, of course, he is smart and he knows very well how can use every single situation in his favor.  

Let me introduce Mark. 

Mark Panaya …of The Panaya Group of Construction and my professor.

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