Chapter 13 - Put to the test

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Sam swung her around and carried her to the bed, dropping her first so that he could be on top. His mouth traveled down, kissing her jawline, the side of her neck, her collarbone... He lifted her shirt to reveal her naked belly and moved his kisses from just above her breasts to her belly, making Allegra tremble. She wanted to beg Sam not to stop, but another name nearly escaped her lips instead. Her eyes opened in shock.

It's not Sam you want; it's Dean. You've always wanted him. There's no one else you want more. Sam won't do. He's not his brother. Dean was gentle with you because he cared for you. Sam isn't Dean... Sam isn't Dean...

Stop deluding yourself. You can't have Dean, and you can't have Sam either. You can't have anyone at all. Keep doing this with Sam, and he'll be another Eric to feel guilty about. Everyone who touches you dies. Everyone who loves you leaves. Eric... Dad... Dean...


Sam returned to kissing her neck. Both his hands were at her hips, though one was actually under the waistband of her jeans. Allegra gripped his wrists. He looked up at her, the lust so clear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sam. We... I can't do this."

"What? Why not?" He raised a brow.

"Because... it wouldn't be fair to you."

Only Bobby knew the real reason and Allegra preferred to keep it that way. So she would give him the other reason, the one she didn't mind him knowing and the one he asked about earlier. Allegra shuffled up from underneath Sam and sat against the wall. He sat back on his knees and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Fair, how?"

"Nothing happened between Dean and me, but I wish it had. It wouldn't be fair to you that I'm thinking about your brother."

"You really think I care?"

Allegra cocked her head. Had he really just said that?

"It won't make a difference. Dean's gone, and he won't be coming back anytime soon. So, as far as I'm concerned, you're mine by right."

She gasped. Those words... She heard those exact words before. Allegra quickly drew her knife, strapped as always at her boot. Sam held out his hands.

"Wow, wow, easy."

"I don't know what you are, but you're not Sam Winchester. Sam would never say something like that. Lucifer, however..."

The corner of Sam's mouth crept up into a wicked grin, and then his hand hit the weapon right out of Allegra's. It went flying across the room. Sam anticipated her next move and grabbed hold of her wrist before she could land a punch. He pulled Allegra down by her leg with a swift swoop, pinning the redhead underneath him with his body. She felt his hand around her throat.

"Clever little bitch. I was only able to leave a fraction of myself inside little Sam. But it was enough. I just needed to bide my time. And now, you're mine."

Allegra struggled to breathe. She tried to concentrate so she could use her powers on him, but the pressure on her body made it hard to focus. Then all of a sudden, the pressure was gone, and air filled her lungs. Sam was lying disoriented on the floor after having been thrown against the door by a dark-haired man in a trench coat.

"Are you okay?" Castiel helped Allegra up from her bed, looking both angry and concerned.

She coughed and nodded, her hand going around her throat. That was gonna be sore for a while.

"It's Lucifer," she said, her voice a bit raspy. "Part of him is still left in Sam."

"You'll have to use your grace," said Castiel. "Lucifer was an Archangel. I can't go up against him, not even if it's only a part of him. But you can. You're half Archangel. Use your grace to cast him out."

"Castiel, I don't know how!"

"I'll help you. Just lay your hands on him."

Allegra walked up to Sam/Lucifer, who was starting to push himself up. She held his head while Castiel placed his own hand on her shoulder, the same one that carried his handprint. A sudden strength rushed through Allegra, and the man at her feet screamed in pain. She felt that warmth, that power she sometimes felt deep inside her. Her grace finally surfaced, and it was the most sublime sensation Allegra had ever felt. She welcomed it, letting it flow through her, and willed it to cast Lucifer out of Sam's body so that only Sam, the real Sam, would remain. A white light flashed through the room. When Allegra blinked, she swore there was gold glitter in the air. She staggered back into Castiel's arms. He caught her and made her sit on the bed.

"Deep breath," he said. "It's normal to feel drained. It was your first time using your grace in such a manner, after all. You'll feel better in an hour or so."

Allegra looked at Sam from the corner of her eye. He was lying unconscious on the floor. Castiel noticed.

"He'll be fine. Lucifer is gone. You did it.

With that assurance, Allegra finally looked at Castiel. His eyes were even bluer than she remembered. The anger was gone from his expression. She only saw concern. Allegra didn't really know what to say to him. A simple thank you wouldn't cut it. Not with him. Not after the torment she put him through. 

"You look surprised," observed Castiel as he saw her gaping at him. 

"I just... didn't expect you to help."

"Well, like I said when we last met, you are important to us. I watch over you. Of course, I will help you when you are in danger. No matter how many plagues you put on me, I'll still be there."

They looked at each other a bit awkwardly, but eventually, Allegra did decide to do the right thing.

"Thanks, 007."

"I still don't know what that is," admitted Castiel, making Allegra grin.

"I'll explain some other time, I promise."

She gave him a small peck on the cheek, and she could've sworn Castiel actually blushed at it. Who knew angels could blush? He nodded to her, and then he was gone, leaving Allegra alone with a still-unconscious Sam Winchester.


Sam seemed okay when he woke up. And luckily for Allegra, he didn't remember anything that happened. Not Castiel throwing him against the door, nor him strangling her, nor their make-out session. Allegra convinced him that they'd been talking, and then he started feeling dizzy and hit his head when he collapsed. He seemed to buy it. For now, anyway.
They said their goodbyes, and Allegra watched Sam leave from her window, but she still wanted to be sure that he really was alright. She reached out to his soul. All kinds of alarm bells went off inside of her head when she couldn't get to him. Sam was walking further away from the house, but even so, she should've locked on to him by now. Her power wasn't held back by something as trivial as distance. She'd found Dean's soul from several States over, so why couldn't she find Sam's when he was only a couple of hundred feet away?

Castiel told her that using her grace left her drained, and Allegra was feeling pretty tired. So it was probably just what it was and nothing to worry about. She kept an eye on Sam until he was gone from sight, and then she dropped onto her bed. Allegra tried to forget everything that happened the past hours and tried to get some shut-eye, but she couldn't shake the horrible feeling she had now. It gnawed at her, making her toss and turn. Only one thought seemed to be on Allegra's mind; if Sam really was Sam now, she should've been able to lock onto his soul - unless he didn't have it. And if he didn't have his soul... Where the heck was it?

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