Chapter 19

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"when your ready" harry says as he hugs louis and JJ

"ok lets go" louis says as they stand up and as they were going to walk out liam gets to the office and hugs louis

"i will stay with JJ until you are ready for JJ to meet anne" liam says as he hugs louis

"thank you" louis says as harry and louis walk to the office

"take a deep breathe and when you are ready we can go in" harry says as harry hugs louis and louis takes a deep breath

"ok im ready" louis says as harry opens the door and louis walks in and anne goes to louis and hugs him as she starts to cry

"i am sorry for all the wrong i have caused you" anne says as he looks louis in the eyes

"but why did you hate me when i never wanted anything from harry" louis says as he starts crying

"just what i thought was right and then camile filled my head with so much hate and i thought what i was doing was right but i knew deep down that my son loves you he fought for you and i have never seen him more happy than when he is with you" anne says tears still falling

"you never even got to know me all you knew was what she was telling you" louis says as he takes a deep breath

"i am so sorry louis i want to get to know you the real you and i want you to get to know me the real me not that snobby bitch" anne says as she and louis start to laugh

"I would love that" louis says

"son what is that color on your shirt" anne says concerned

"uugh louis keeps me on my toes and one of his favorite things to do is color my butterfly tattoo" harry says as he lifts his shirt and everyone laughs as they all look at louis

"what why are any of you surprised at all anymore" louis says laughing

"you are a handful, we are going to get along perfectly" anne says as she hugs louis

"mom before we bring in JJ, i want to tell you that i quit medicine" gemma says

"why" anne says

"i wasnt happy so now i work-for harry and louis" gemma says

"ok any other news" anne questions

"ummmm niall and i are dating" gemma says nervously

"does he make you happy" anne says

"very" gemma says

"then i am happy for you" anne says as she hugs gemma and niall

"you mean it" niall says

"yes, i have always said i wanted my children to be happy and it took me this long to realize that i was wrong so wrong, i missed my only sons wedding and the birth of my grandaughter and 2 years of her life"

"'but you wont miss anything else" harry says

"umm mom, everyone niall and i just found out i am 4 months pregnant" gemma says

"ohh hell no, i told you, you can date her not sleep with her" harry says as he glares at niall

"she seduced me i said no i went down kicking and screaming" niall says as they start to laugh

"congratulations" everyone says

"zayn can you text liam to bring JJ" louis says

"already did" zayn says as liam walks in and hands JJ to harry

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