Chapter 16

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the following months were routine for everyone as the restaurant and bakery were becoming more successful and niall and gemma went on their first date and 2 months later niall asked her to be his girlfriend and she agreed, anne and camile are now partners but we will get to that soon but louis is at his last month of pregnancy and refuses to stop going to the dinner but now only goes for a few hours and a month ago louis and harry moved into their new house and finished the nursery and now are waiting for the baby to arrive

"angel" harry yells out

"resting in the office' Louis says as harry walks in and louis is sitting down with his feet up "what happened"

"nothing just wondering where you were, you want to go home" harry says

"sure, just she has been active and decided that my insides will be her personal playground " louis says laughing

"how are you feeling" harry says

"good just tired gonna miss being pregnant but i cant wait to meet her" louis says

"well you still have 3 days to your due date" harry says

"i know i am tired" louis says

"sure let me just let niall and gemma know i am leaving" harry says as he walks away

"ok" louis says as he stands up and feels a pain on his belly and starts to rub it and takes out his phone and calls harry and he doesnt answer "bethany"


"get harry tell him i feel a sharp pain" louis says

"let me help you sit down so i can go and you are safe" bethany says as she helps louis sit down and runs out and finds harry as he is talking to zayn and liam "umm im sorry to interrupt but louis said he felt a sharp pain i helped him sit down but please"

"ok" harry says as he walks away and liam and zayn follow him and soon niall as they get to the office and louis is crying "angel are you ok"

"no it hurts" louis says

"niall help me i dont want to drop him" harry says as niall gets to louis other side and they take him to harrys car as they follow louis lead as louis stops and when they get to harrys car a gush of water comes out of louis" what the fuck is that"

"his water broke" liam says "take him straight to the hospital i will get his hospital bag when we go home and go see you and call mom"

"ok thank you" louis says as he starts to breath

"wait let me get you something to put under louis" zayn says as he runs back to the reestaurant and walks out with a plastic bag and puts it on the carseat and louis gets in and harry drives directly to the hospital when they get there harry goes and gets someone and soon they have louis in the hospital room and connect louis to the machines he needs and the doctor walks in

"mr styles how are you feeling" the doctor says

"good just these labor pains hurt" louis says as liams mom walks in

"hi son how are you feeling" she says as she hugs louis

"good but the contractions hurt" louis says as he starts to cry

"well let me check you and see if we can give you something for the pain" the doctor says

"well you are at 6 CM, how long have you been in pain" the doctor says

"umm last night but i thought they were braxton hicks as they would stop and come back" louis says

"no you were in labor and i am sorry its to late to give you anything" the doctor says

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