Chapter 9

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the following day louis wakes up and goes to work he walks to the bus stop as harry had told him he wouldnt be able to take him to work and louis gets to the bus stop and waits soon the bus gets there and louis gets in and sits down

"louis havent seen you in a while how are you" the driver says

"good and you margret did devin graduate high school" louis ask

"yes he was valedictorian of his class"

"good congratulations to you and him" louis says

"so now you working"

"yeah doing my intership and community memorial" louis says

"ohh that is good i am really proud of you" margret says

"thank you" louis says "this is my stop to connect to my next bus"

"well louis it was great seeing you again" margret says as he stops the bus and gets up and gives louis a hug as he gets off the bus and gets on the next one and soon gets to the hospital and walks in at the same time as gemma

"hey i didnt see harry leaving" gemma says

"he didnt drop me off i came on the bus" louis says

"you should of called me i would of picked you up" gemma says

"no its ok" louis says as they clock in " i will see you later"

"ok see you later" gemma says as she walks to her are and louis walks to the nurses station and when louis shift was over he walks out and was about to walk to the bus stop when he sees harry with flowers in his hand and louis smiles as he runs to harry and drops this things and jumps on harry and wraps his legs around harrys waist

"surprise" harry says laughing

"i thought you were going to be busy all day" louis says

"I finished as quickly as i could and here i am with my princess" harry says

"thank you this made my day" louis says as he kisses harry

"come on i will take you to the coffee house" Harry says as they head to harrys car and get in and harry drives to the coffee house and louis gives harry one last kiss as he drives away and calls niall

"i will wait outside in 5 minutes" niall says

"did you find the informant"

"yes he is meeting us in 30 minutes and the rat is at the warehouse" niall says

"good i am outside" harry says as he sees niall walking out the building and soon drive to an office and walk in

"mr styles, mr horan" the receptionist says "mr moore is waiting for you"

"thank you" harry says

"this way please" the receptionist says as she walks them to the office and opens the door and harry and niall walks in" would you like any water or something to drink"

"No thank you we are fine" niall says as they see some one walk in

"George" harry says as he stands up and shakes the mans hand and then niall

Say You Love Me  ~ Larry Stylinson ~MPREGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن