Chapter 12

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the following morning harry gets up and starts to get ready when his phone starts to ring and sees its anne and harry doesnt want to answer her and she calls again

"what" harry says with anger

"are you serious about this harry" anne yes

"are you still adamant about me marrying camile" harry says

"yes you and her are the same social status and are going to be an amazing power couple imagine the headlines" anne says

"hmm well then i will meet you at toms at 1 i need to clean out my office" harry says

"is niall quitting too" anne says

"i dont know i told him he can stay if he wants but i dont know" harry says

"well he can go too i dont want him to go back and tell you anything" anne says

"well if that is what you want then you can tell him we are going to be at the office in 30 minutes" harry says

"are you serious about this harry, if you go thru all this there is no going back" anne says angrily

"yes you have pushed me to hard mom everything i ever had to do was because it was what you wanted i wanted to be an attorney but i had to study business because you needed me, i had to help you in everything mom again i made this business not you, you werent even pricing anything right until i came and fixed everything you were doing wrong i fired your accountant that was stealing from you i made annes bakery i can destroy it and i know how" harry challenges his mom

"i am your mother you wouldnt dare" anne says

"because you are my mother i wont but dont tempt me" harry says

"so what is your plan to run to that bastard" anne says

"no mom because of you and camile he wants nothing to do with me" harry says "so you got what you wanted but i will not marry camile" harry says 'mother i will see you at toms at 1"

"this conversation isnt over" anne says as harry hangs up on anne as niall walks in the door

"mom again" niall says

"yup" harry says popping the P

"you think she thinks you are bluffing" niall asks

"i dont know but you just got fired" harry says as he tells niall his conversation with his mom

"have you talked to gemma" niall asks

"not yet but i dont want to involve her in this mess, but no matter what she is taken care of" harry says

"Of course" niall says

"send out word that for a few weeks everyone is to lay low i am not sure what is going to happen but i want to be cautious dont know if my mom might have me followed" harry says

"we are on it and she has contacted a private detective but we took care of him" niall says

"good" harry says as they leave harrys apartment and drive to work and walk in and harrys badge did not work

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