Chapter 8

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the following morning harry wakes up first and sees his angel in his arms asleep and as much as harry doesnt want to wake him up he knows he has too

"angel" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips "angel come on your going to be late for school"

"no" louis whines as he presses his face to harrys chest "im asleep"

"are you talking in your sleep" harry plays along as he places a kiss on louis lips

"yep see" louis says as he pretends to snore and in between snores mubles out" my beast is the sexiest man,  that stupid dimple  is sexy as fuck and he is going to let me color in that butterfly"

"ohh your dreaming about me" harry laughs shaking his head fondly

"always" louis wiggles his eye brows as he opens his eyes"ohh mr dimples hi, didnt realize you were here"

"your so cute" harry says laughing" come on take a shower and i will make you breakfast"

"ok but i dont have clean panties" louis says

"you can wear a pair of my boxers" harry says

"I dont like boxers" louis whines

"then you can go comando" harry teases

"uughgh fine" louis says as harry goes into his closet and gets a pair of boxers and a sweater and goes and turns on the shower for louis as he goes into the kitchen and starts making louis breakfast and soon louis comes out "these boxers look stupid" louis says as he goes to the kitchen

"not as sexy as the panties but you can change when we get to your house' harry says

"ok, what did you make" louis says

"just pancakes" harry says as he gives louis his plate

"no i serve you" louis says as he pouts

"Nope my house my rules" harry says

"fine" louis says as they sit down and eat and soon louis finishes getting dressed as harry takes a shower

"are you ok" harry asks

"Im fine just sore but I'm fine" louis says shyly

"angel you dont have to be shy we made love and that is nothing to be embarrassed about"  harry reassures louis

"i know but you know alot and i know nothing' louis says

"i will teach you as always i will follow your lead but man can you give a blow job the way you hollow your cheeks that shit was so hot" harry says as louis starts to blush

"stop" louis says

"are you sure you never given a blow Job before" harry asks

"yes its was my first time" louis says

"i believe you" harry says as they finish getting ready and soon walk out of harrys apartment and head to louis house and go in thru the side gate and louis changes his clothes as harry lays down on louis bed and louis gets ready and harry gets louis school bag and soon walk out of  louis house and harry drops louis off at school "have a good day i will pick you up after"

"ok" louis says

"hey" harry says


"you forgot my kiss" harry says as louis gives harry a kiss "love you angel"

Say You Love Me  ~ Larry Stylinson ~MPREGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें