06| A Stupid Relapse*

Comenzar desde el principio

"Two black Americanos and a cappuccino." A voice called from behind and I jerked out of my distracted train of thought, spinning around to collect my drink, careful not to spill the boiling hot liquid as I took a sip. Not that it would hurt if I did spill any as I was resistant to all temperatures, had been ever since I'd caught the virus.

The girl behind the till made a brief comment on my workout attire and I flashed her a small smile, promising to come here more often even though I had no real plans to.

"Hey, Luca hurry the fuck up!" Jax shouted to me from the doorway, head inclined toward the shop door.

Eve's head moved almost imperceptibly sideways to look toward Jax and then back to where I was stood. Her eyes found me instantly. I tried unsuccessfully to fight the smile from my face as her jaw dropped open in shock.

She recognised me. The only girl who'd ever caused me to doubt my gifted abilities or second guess my course of action, knew who I was. The compulsion hadn't worked and I couldn't be happier. So I did the one thing I knew I shouldn't, but I had to know who she was.

I walked over.

Evelyn's p.o.v

As soon as I entered the apartment after leaving Alicia, I knew Adam was home. The familiar smell of heady marijuana and cologne that followed him like a shadow was thick in the air. Glancing at the kitchen counter confirmed my suspicions when I caught a glimpse of his house keys from beneath a pile of scattered paperwork and unpaid electricity bills. My cut for last night would hopefully pay off the majority of our debt.

The door to our apartment was playing up once again, so I had to throw my shoulder into it to get it closed. The flimsy lock wouldn't keep out even an angry toddler if it was determined enough to break in. Although, sometimes the wrath of a toddler could be scarier than a fully grown adult, but that was beside the point. Ever since moving in here with Adam several months ago, we had never had a problem with burglars. Adam had promised multiple times to get the door fixed, but had never gotten around to actually doing anything about it.

I wandered over to the cupboards and pulled out some instant coffee along with my blue mug, a personal favorite of mine as it had a ridiculously fluffy kitten displayed on the front. I needed a caffeine distraction from my encounter in the café, and I needed it now. How Luca had managed to find me, I didn't want to know.

The kettle took its sweet time boiling and having the attention span of a prepubescent gnat, I decided to get changed out of my workout leggings and sports bra. My bedroom was the one across from Adam's so I had to pass his room to reach mine.

The generic hum of muffled TV voices floated into the kitchen from his room, too quiet and far away for me to make out what he was watching. It felt strange not walking straight into his room and joining him on the bed like I used to, the familiar urge compelling me to follow the sound of his voice. I had been actively trying to stay out of his way and never be in the apartment alone with him, but I guess there were always bound to be moments when it couldn't be avoided.

I considered calling out to tell him I was home but found myself deciding against it, the action seeming far too much like a married couple.

'Hey honey, I'm home! Hope you're not screwing some hot blonde behind my back again, you naughty boy!'

Instead, I hurried past his room and grabbed a towel from the drying wrack before stripping out of my workout clothes and wrapping the soft, white material around my now naked body. It would have to do until my coffee was brewed as I didn't see the point in putting on new clothes just before getting into the shower.

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