Chapter 4

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I tossed my phone sloppily on my desk, took a deep breath, and put on my human clothes, which consisted of a red T-shirt, jeans, and purple converse. Everything but the shoes were small, but I could deal with it. I latched my Forget-me-not necklace around my neck, shoved my phone in my pocket, and slowly crept out of the room, hoping to not get attention from my family. I made it to the front door and opened it slowly, but the wind blew it open and it hit the wall loudly. My shoulders shot up and I stayed silent, listening if they heard it, but swore lowly as I heard the footsteps behind me.

“Calia?” I heard Cylak’s tired voice behind me. I slowly turned around and he was standing there, holding Nessa in one arm and rubbing his eyes with the other. “Calia, where are you going? And who called?”

“To Earth…” I replied quietly as he stepped closer, and he didn’t look happy. "Nicole called!"

“Why?” He complained, and I sighed as I realized I just had to tell him the truth.

“A college apparently gave me a scholarship for Theatre, so I’m going to go see what that’s about.” I told him honestly, and his eyes widened.

“So you’d leave your faerie family to go to the human school that’d probably keep you for four years or more?” He sounded hurt as he readjusted Nessa in his arm. “Are you really that selfish?”

My jaw dropped slightly, but kept silent. I couldn’t believe he thought I was going to do that. I approached him and lifted Nessa from his arms and held her, her eyes blinking open but staying quiet. “Me? Selfish?” I had tears coming to my eyes. “I would never leave you and Nessa. I probably wasn’t even going to go there, I was just going to see what the deal was with it. I’m not leaving you, Cylak. I would never leave you. But it’s September, and school’s starting in all worlds. I’m just going to go visit my human friends. That’s all.” I answered, and I was being completely honest.

“But what about the Marojas?” He asked worriedly, and my mouth shut. I haven’t thought of them, or at least running into them. “They’re going to try to take you back, and then I’ll be the one to come get you, and then your family will be totally angry at me, and-”

“I got it!” I shrieked, cutting him off and making him shut up. Nessa instantly woke up, making little noises that I was trying so hard to ignore. “Well then, how about all of us go?” I said quieter, hoping she’d fall back asleep.

“I don’t think so.” He said immediately, shaking his head rapidly. I tilted my head sideways, expressing my confusion. “I don’t want Nessa to go to the Earth.” He said simply, taking her back in his arms. “I don’t even want her to know.”

“Why, because of me?” I asked ruder then I meant to, but kept going. “Because I spent fifteen years of my life on Earth, which were actually pretty good until up to the point of where the Marojas told me I was adopted?” Tears finally came to my face, but never flowed down. “Is that what you think? Because my life was so horrible because you faeries tried to get me to stay here and then they went on a rampage to make sure I was safe?”

“We’re not living there, Calia!” He yelled furiously, annoyed with the conversation. “I won’t live there if you do decide to go to college. You can pick your faerie life or your human life, your family or friends. That’s what’s getting across to me right now.” His anger was really starting to scare me, but I’ve had enough.

“I said I was just going to visit! How the hell did you get choosing out of me just visiting!” I screamed, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I whipped around and jerked the door open, running as fast as I possibly could towards the Fire Exit, tears streaming down my face.

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