Runaway Kitty

840 15 13

(Castle above)

I was walking up to the castle to talk to dad about what happened at the Forest of Forever Fall. I knock on the big gate resulting in a loud echoing knock. The gate was opened by one of the many fledgling vampires.

Fv: Ah Master Y/n you've returned.

Y/n: Yes John I'm back. I need to speak to father it's urgent.

John: Yes yes your father has been waiting for your return.

He starts to escort me of sorts to where my father is, which seems to be the throne room for his generals. He loves his dark theme of red and black paint and decor. Gargoyles at the entry of the room and a long red table lined with black chairs with red accents along the sides leading to the throne with my father Alastor sitting there just awaiting news from his second in commands.

Alastor: Y/n you're finally back how's Beacon been.

I walk up to his side as he made his way halfway to meet me.

Y/n: Its been good. I met Ruby again but we can get back to that after what I need to tell you.

Alastor: That would be?

Y/n: The vampires of the Tantibus and Rahovart covens want war against humans and faunus.

Long explanation timeskip

Alastor: Your reasoning didn't work on the one that attacked you.

Y/n: No.

Alastor: I'll try to get the remaining covens to agree to help kill them off then.

Y/n: Wait what? We're a dying breed as it is. If we start a civil war between the covens there will be nearly no one left.

Alastor: If we're revealed we'll be extinguished by the humans and faunus. They didn't accept us in the past what makes you think they will now.

Y/n: I'm fine with killing rogues that could accidentally reveal vampires when they hunt. But killing off entire covens I don't think we'll survive.

Alastor: What makes you say that?

Y/n: My initiation was to inspect a mass hunt of a village. Turns out they were making them into vampires they were making an army.

Alastor: Then this is worse then I thought. I know what to do. So you reunited with Ruby you said.

Y/n: Yeah about that...

Alastor: What is it son?

Y/n: ...I turned her.

Alastor: I would say good for you but something in your voice says it wasn't a choice.

Y/n: I... distracted her fighting Roman Torchwick. She... was shot... she forgot her aura when I distracted her. He... shot her in the gut... there was so much of her blood... I didn't want to lose her not again. So I turned her.

Alastor: Sounds to me you finally listened to your somewhat beating heart instead of your brain.

This picked my head up when dad said this after reliving that memory of that night.

Y/n: Huh?

Alastor: You two were practically inseparable growing up I always told your mother you two would get together someday.

Y/n: Who said me and Ruby are together?

Alastor: You just did.

Y/n: I probably should get back to my team see you at a later time dad.

The Vampire and his Rose (RWBY Wolf Faunus Ruby x Male vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now