A Happy and Sad Reunion

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Y/n is 16

I was walking down the streets of Vale minding my own business till I heard glass shattering not to far from where I at. I use my vampiric speed to reach the destination. When I arrived most of the fight was over just a guy with a bowler hat and a wolf faunus girl with a... scythe? Wait that design looks familiar is it.

 scythe? Wait that design looks familiar is it

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Y/n: Ruby... RUBY!

Ruby's Pov

I just finished of the thugs and all that's left was their boss.

???: RUBY!

I look over to see who called my name and saw I guy wearing black with f/c accented trench coat.


I grabbed my stomach and looked down at my hand and saw that it was covered in blood.

Y/n's Pov

I ran over to her as she fell to the ground. I'm so stupid I shouldn't have called out her name when she was in the middle of a battle.

Ruby: I guess... I'll never... find... him.

She let go of Crescent Rose and her body went limp. I check for a pulse but couldn't find one.

Y/n: I'm sorry but can't think of anything else that can help you.

I bite her neck and start to pump some of my blood into her. After a minute she started to breathe again. I was starving I went to one of the unconscious thugs and drank his blood filling me up. I went back over to Ruby and picked her up.

Y/n: I'll keep you safe my precious Rose.

I was about to take her back to the my dad's mansion but I was stopped by someone's semblance.

???: Stop right there vampire!

Y/n: Oh hey miss Goodwitch.

Glynda: Wait Y/n. I thought you were one of the rogue vampires.

Y/n: Sorry but could let me go.

She stops her semblance and I start walking again towards the direction of the mansion.

Glynda: Where do you think you're taking Ms. Rose?

I turn towards her.

Y/n: To my dad's mansion.

Glynda: I'm sorry but she needs to come with me to meet Prof. Ozpin.

Timeskip Ruby's Pov

I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a some sort interrogation room with what looks like a huntress and that guy!

Ruby: Hey you could've gotten me killed you numbskull. How do you even know my name anyway?

???: I'm surprised you don't recognize your best friend.

The Vampire and his Rose (RWBY Wolf Faunus Ruby x Male vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now