What Happened to Me?

Start from the beginning

The young woman looked away from him, it had him a little concerned for her. Had that guy messed with her or something while he was asleep? Was that why she was here? To make sure that he wouldn't do something stupid? Or was it that she was afraid of what he would do? A million things could have happened while he was asleep and he wouldn't have known unless... "Frisk, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

"What did you do to Zander after you teleported me home?" asked Frisk.

Blinking his sockets in confusion, Sans tried to think on who the hell 'Zander' was. That name didn't ring a bell to him, and it had him a little puzzled at the mention of the name.

"Uh... who?" Sans said with a frown, smile long forgotten for the time being.

"The guy I was out on a date with last night."

Okay, so he knew that he hadn't been out of it for more than a night at the least. That was a bit of a relief for the skeleton though there was still a few things that he wanted to know about. But, wait a minute... "His name is Zander?" Sans said with a chuckle escaping him. Okay, of all names he didn't think she would have gone out with someone named 'Zander'. That sounded more like a nickname than an actual name to the skeleton and it almost made him fall over in laughter.

"Sans I'm serious!" Frisk whined before crossing her arms over her chest. He snickered a little more, covering his mouth with his one hand while holding the other one out to Frisk as a means to tell her to 'hold on' while he got the chuckles out of his system. After a few minutes, Sans seemed like he had started to calm down. "Finished?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Good, now what happened?" Frisk demanded.

Blinking his sockets a couple times, Sans just shrugged slightly. "Don't shrug with me Sans! I know something had to have happened!" Huh? Sans gave her a confused look at that one. He really had no idea what the hell she was talking about right now. Seeming to sense his confusion, Frisk slowly lowered her arms as she asked "You... you did end up doing something to him last night didn't you?"

"Frisk, I'm going to be honest with you..." Sans began before digging his hands into his pockets. "I have no idea what happened last night. After I teleported you home, my memory is kinda a blur. I don't even remember how I got back home last night."

Frisk frowned all the more as she stared at the skeleton. It seemed that she saw that he was telling the truth about what had happened last night. The skeleton sighed softly before he mumbled "I know I was angry, but that's about all I can remember." Well, angry was putting it mildly. He was livid, enraged and filled with bloodlust but he was sure that he hadn't killed the punk. "He's not dead is he?"

"No, he's still alive." Frisk said. Which, in a way both relieved him but angered him. It was like some kind of double edged sword or something. He was happy that the guy wasn't dead, but mad because he wasn't dead. How he felt both for him being either or, it confused him. "Um... are you hungry?" Frisk asked, causing Sans to blink before chuckling and nodding his head.

He was starving to say the least.

"I mostly just made some grilled cheese sandwiches. Will that work?" Frisk said with a frown on her face.

"That sounds fantastic." Sans said with a chuckle before sitting down at the dining table. Frisk gave him a small smile before making her way to the stove and went to cooking some grilled cheese sandwiches. It was simple enough to make, though he was still really hungry. The skeleton blinked as he watched her cooking. Even though he could still smell the food that was once in the kitchen, he couldn't help but smile when he saw Frisk cooking for the two of them.

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