Chapter 15

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"Let's assume you're right. If that's the case, the elements made a critical mistake. I might not even live to see tomorrow. How can I become the next harbinger if I'm dead?" I trotted back and forth in front of Clionna while my mind raced to catch up. I didn't believe in the elements until a day ago and they were already asking me to take up one of their revered positions. I had to find a way to refuse. I didn't guide people. I killed them. There was nothing sacred about me. "Take it back."

"I'm afraid it is you that have been mistaken," Clionna said. She tapped me on the shoulder with her staff and I came to a halt in front of her. "Time is not an essence when it comes to the will of the elements. If you've been chosen, then you must serve your purpose, for however long or short that may be. There is a reason for this request. One we may not understand now, but we will. Patience, young one."

"No. No more patience, or stillness, or compassion, or sacrifice. I need to get back to the village and warn Phelim," I said. When I tried to step around her, she shifted her body to stand in front of me. "Get out of my way, Clionna."

"You must understand. There is a power inside of the gift they have given you. You need to know its true worth."

"How is this any different than being a collector? I'm still being forced to serve out the will of another." I kicked a clump of dirt across the bank until it plopped into the surface of the stream. "I escaped all of that when I found Feywa. You can't tell me I'm destined to be a servant."

"There might not be any Feywa to return to if you don't accept the element's gift." Her face lowered into grief when the sags around her eyes melted into frown lines. "Phelim will understand why they've chosen you. He sees you as his ally, now. Would it be wise to run when the village is counting on you?"

"I'm not running," I said through gritted teeth. "Phelim and Alto are in danger and you want me to sit here and listen to your lessons. Wouldn't saving them fulfill my harbinger mission? They can take care of Feywa."

"Impotence," Clionna said and slammed the end of her staff into the dirt. I backed away half startled, but mostly impressed. When I offered her wide eyes, her face softened. "You cannot escape the will of the elements, Venus. If you do, you are condemning us all to die."

"How am I supposed to save everyone if I don't know how?" I flexed my jaw again to silence my building irritation. "Why me?"

"I do not know that answer, but I have seen the light inside of you. Your soul is a beacon for hope, and with it, many great things may follow." She swallowed hard and I watched the wrinkles in her neck leap. "All I ask is that should you need it, you'll listen to the elements. They can guide you on your journey. You will win this war."

It was a simple request, but I knew nothing about Clionna was that easy. Still, I wanted to get back to Phelim. I needed to tell him what the elements had shown me. With a subtle nod, she clasped me on the shoulder and took me into a tender embrace.

"It will be hard, young one. But you will persevere." She pulled back and the sparkle in her ash blue eyes returned. "You must return to Feywa now and inform Phelim of what's been done. For the time being, he'll be your muse. Keep him close."

"A muse?" The word was foreign to me and I squinted at her. Was she insinuating that he would be my mate?

"Nothing of that sort, young one," she said through a chuckle. "A harbinger may draw on the senses of others that have been given the gift. His sight is strong and you may use that, should you need it. It will strengthen your hold on the elements."

"Fascinating. So whenever I need their help, I need Phelim's forehead trick to get in contact with them? How is that even efficient?" I rolled my eyes.

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