quarantine- JK

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"Ah please " jungkook wined  while shaking me

" no I'm scared don't even touch me " I whined back.

" oh come one, I can't go to the gym" he kept whining

Miss Rona is around the block, so Jungkook can't go to the gym. As you know he is a muscle king so it's really the worst scenario.
He as been begging me to lift me as I am one of his weight.
I denied his request.
Mister Jeon is frustrated .

" Babyyyy, I'm gonna loose all of my muscle" he said pouting " you want me to get all squishy, I don't think so"

" Kook I don't care, you could melt, I wouldn't mind" I responded

"But babyyyyy" he pouted

" I said no" i said calmly

" but why"

" you're gonna drop me "

" no I won't, can't you see those arms, look at how thick it is? But you what? If you don't help me I won't be able carry you anymore" he said sincerely " y/n I promise that I won't drop you"

" pinky promise?" I said raising my finger

" pinky promise"


" oh my god , kook I gonna die" I screamed

" you won't stay calm and close your leg" he said grabbing my legs " oh that's the only time I ask you to do this"

He was done with squat while he was carrying on his back
And now he was doing bench press on the ground and I was shitting myself.

" Oh my god lord have mercy" I said trying to keep my composure.

" Babe you got to stay straight"

"I'm trying kook" .

At this point i'm just trying to not die. When i feel no support anymore.

And i fall right on Jungkook face.

" Oh my god, kookie are you okay?" i asked concerned

" Noo i like it, you can stay like this forever" he laughed

"kook" i screamed


i hope you're safe during this hard time, that you are feeling good and healthy <3

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