Chapter 21

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Colton's POV

Finally after a fucking long annoying day of school, we were back home. Hundreds of teens piled into the house one by one most of us going straight to the kitchen starving.

I sat at the table with Blake, Chloe, Kane, and other warriors while they talked about whatever bullshit happened today. Of course Shelby came and sat right next to me even though there were open seats closer to her own little fan group of the pack. Those girls worship her here for no reason, when it comes to Shelby you either hate her or love her. Me? I definitely don't love the girl, I know all about her activities of entertaining other unmated men but hate would be a strong word for someone whose fucking her as well. She's just annoyingly there.

She placed a Gatorade and sandwich in front of me thankfully I was hungry, but the kitchen was crowded with other hungry wolfs as well searching for food.

I muttered a thanks and started eating. The scent of coconuts came rushing into the atmosphere and it was the only thing I could focus on now. My wolf was going crazy running around wagging his tail with his tongue stuck out in my head driving my crazy. I looked up from my food examining the crowded room until my eyes found her. My eyes practically zoomed in on her, cancelling everything and everyone else in the room.

Her soft voice saying excuse me to the others squeezing herself through the crowd towards the refrigerator. Thankfully I had somewhat control on my temper or else I would've yelled at all those foolish teens to get the fuck out of her way.
I barely saw her at school today, she usually rides with Chloe and Blake or sometimes walk.
She was so beautiful, yet didn't even attempt to be. She had good style that's for one. She was in sweats and yellow Jordan 1s with headphones in of course listening to gods know what. She always had them in isolating herself from social contact. I'm mad my dad gave her the sound proof ones made for werewolves, I can't lie I'm a little noisy to find out what she's always listening to.
My eyes traced her every step as she grabbed a water, sandwich, and tangerine exiting the hectic kitchen as quick as she came.
I shut my eyes tightly looking down at my food suppressing my wolves instinct to jump and follow her out the room. If I gave into him I'd be a love sick pup with my tongue out my mouth following her every move like she's a piece of meat chasing her everywhere. I scoffed at him blocking him out as he whined for her, crying at her lack of attention for us.

He hated how she barely ever gave us the time of day when everyone was around and never socialized with the pack. Yet when we were together he felt like the king of the world when her only focus was on us. Her smile and her-
Fuck, scratch that. Elliott's messing with my head.

Nobody really knows anything about her, she keeps to herself a lot always in her room and when she isn't she has those fucking headphones in. I mean I can't blame her, living with a bunch of werewolves for an unknown reason must be totally weird.
Unknown to her.

I began eating again zoning out until my ears perked up at the sound of someone mentioning her name.
"What do you guys know about the human girl? Ella? She's so weird," some blonde girl laughed with her friends. I recognized her as Shelby's groupies, her name was Kayla I think.

The rest of them laughed as others piped into the conversation.
"Call her weird if you want but that's one hot piece of ass. I'd tapped that any day," Jake a warrior said with a malevolent grin. Kayla rolled her eyes.
I could feel my wolf banging against the wall I put to block him out.

"She's not that hot. The bitch is fat."

"You're fucking crazy Kayla. The only thing fat on her is that ass, I wish she'd give me the time of day. Goddam the things I'd do to her," Jake groaned laughing with his pea sized brain buddies.
"Kill him!" My wolf growled loudly in my head breaking the block. He was snarling in my brain muttering incoherently.

"Ew Jake, you could do better than that. The bitch walks around here thinking she's better than everyone else, doesn't talk to anyone, always alone. What a fucking weirdo. I heard she's from Brooklyn probably the ghetto," Shelby laughed.

My wolf was shaking in my head giving me a headache.
But a growl silence them all and surprisingly it wasn't from Elliot.

"Shut the fuck up all of you." Chloe growled as the entire kitchen begin dead silent shocked from her outbreak. Even I was, Chloe wasn't the type of person to project her anger or authority in front of a lot of people especially the pack teens only those shes close to.

"She is better than all of you, she's saving all of your asses right now by just being here so shut the fuck up unless you'd like to die. Immature assholes she doesn't need to fucking talk to any of you bitches anyways. She's too good for you all, especially you Jake."
A few snickers came from around the kitchen as my wolf felt pride in our sister for speaking up.

"At least she has more balls than you. Can't fucking defend your own mate," he scoffed going back into his corner enraged.

I didn't respond, it's complicated and he doesn't get that. She's a human, I'd be taking her entire life away. She didn't sign up for this.

He shut me out putting the block up. I sighed getting up walking out of the kitchen. I'll probably take him for a run later.

I didn't agree with what they were saying, it pissed me off as well that they were fucking ignorant assholes but I couldn't just throw a tantrum when I haven't even claimed her.

It's so fucking complicated.

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