Two Different Worlds Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 {Sara's POV}

I'am eating breakfast with the lads but I can't find Zayn anywhere. "Hey where's Zayn?" I ask the lads. Everyone just shrugged there shoulders."Liam will you come upstairs with me and us check your room?" I say looking at Liam. "Sure love. Will be back before its time too leave." Liam says walking away with me. We finally made it up stairs and Liam was putting his card in and I walk into the most hurtful site in the whole world. Zayn was snogging Alexis after everything he said last night. "You lier!" I scream which caught them off guard. "Sara! This isn't want it looks like!" Zayn screams. "Really! Cause it looks like your fucking snogging the slut!" I scream. "Hey don't you dare call me a slut!" Alexis screams at me. "Bitch you better shut up! I swear too god if you say another word you'll be on the bloody floor bleeding!" I scream at her which shut her up fast. "Sara she came on too me! I promise it didn't mean anything!" Zayn says while looking like he was gonna cry. "Don't you dare say those words ever again cause all your promises are dead too me! You can have this piece of shit back!" I scream throwing the ring at his face and walking out of the room. "Sara love. Are you okay?" Liam says looking at me with a worried face. "I trusted the bad boy of the school and I fell in love with him I see why girls stay away from them." I say starting too cry in Liam's chest. "It's okay love. I'am here for you. You know that." Liam says holdings close. "I know Liam. That's why I love you." I say while looking up at him. Wow I've never noticed how beautiful his eyes why am I getting closer or is he!? Is he leaning in too kiss me? He leaned in and kissed me it was soft and kinda great. Wait what am I doing! I pull back and look at Liam. "Sorry I've always wanted too do that I don't know why at this moment but I thought it would be okay. Was it okay that I did that? Oh my god I am sorry I shouldn't have! I am such an idiot!" Liam says walking away before I could answer any of those questions. "Liam stop." I say while grabbing his hand. He looks at me with a confused look. "It's okay that you did that. I've always had small spot for you but I never did anything about it." I say smiling at him. He smiles and puts his arm around my waist. "Let's not tell anyone about that kiss." Liam says while we walked downstairs too meet up with the other lads.

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