Two Different Worlds Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 {Zayn's POV}

It's about 3 in the morning when I turn over and I don't feel Sara. I get up and look around and I don't see her. I get out of bed and walk too the balcony and see her asleep outside. I walk out side and it's freezing cold. "Sara love wake up it's too cold too be outside." I say trying too pick her up. "No." Sara says moving around like a little worm. We get inside and I lay her in the bed and cover her up. "Your one crazy chick." I say kissing her forehead. "Yeah I know but you love it." Sara says half asleep. "Yes I do." I say laughing. We both fall back asleep until Sara's phone goes off. "Hello?" I say. "Where are you two!" Liam screamed. "In a hotel sleeping. Why?" I ask. "In a what! You better have not done anything too her!"Liam screams. "Chill Liam if I wanted him I would have already had him!" Sara says it while laughing hard. "Yep. She's dead! Get her home now! Or your both grounded again!" Liam screams and hangs up the phone. "Well daddy said we have too get home..." I say in a baby voice. Sara throws her legs and arms everywhere throwing a fit. "I don't wanna get up!!" Sara says in a baby voice. I just sit there and laugh cause she looked so cute. "Ugh! Fine let's go so I won't get grounded again." Sara says getting out of bed and putting her Tom's on. We walk down the stairs too the lobby and give them the key back and walked out the doors. "Okay so I'll drive behind you okay." I say holding Sara close. "Okay. Let's get going." Sara says getting in the car. It takes us about a half hour cause Sara was speeding the whole way so I had too just too keep up with her. We pull up too the school and all the boys where waiting in the parking lot. "Shit. Where in trouble." I say in a low voice. I get out of the car and look at Sara laughing hard cause Liam was acting like her dad. "Zayn! Why didn't you come home last night!" Niall says crossing his arms and eyeing me. "Cause he was getting it on!" Harry screams and then started too laugh really hard. "Shut up Harry!" Liam screams at him. "Okay okay everyone let's just go too our dorm and talk cause there are a lot of people watching us." I say looking at everyone. "Fine." Niall and Harry say as the started too skip off towards the dorms. "How are we all mates." I say shaking my head. "Zayn you sure your not an undercover gay." Sara asks but starts laughing hard. "Shut up!" I scream and start casing her around. "You two make me feel like a father and I hate that!" Liam screams at us. "Sorry daddy." Sara and I say in a baby voice.

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