Two Different Worlds Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 {Zayn's POV}

I drag Sara into my car and shut the door and then walk around and get in my side. "So where are you taken me?"Sara asks while watching me drive off. "You'll see soon just wait." I

say driving off campus. "So how many girls have you taken off campus?" Sara asks. "None. To think about it." I say thinking. "Your lying right."Sara says looking at me. "No I am not. I don't see the point in lying and I don't wanna be lied too so I don't do it."I say looking at her. "You really aren't a bad boy you just act like one!"Sara saying laughing. "Shhh you'll blow my cover!!"I say laughing and covering her mouth. We drive about an hour and where almost their. "God how much longer!!!"Sara says looking at her phone. *RING RING* We both look at our phones and I see that it was mine. "Hello?" I say. "Where's Sara?" Liam asked. "Right here? Why?"I ask. "Louis was cussing me out asking where she was at." Liam says. "Wait! No we left early cause he was fucking Alexis in the loo!" I say a little loud. "He What! With Sara in the fucking room!!"Liam screamed. "Yeah! So we left?" I say. "I'll call you right back!" Liam says hanging up. I look at Sara and laughing. "Your more trouble then I wanna deal with." I say laughing. "Who was that?" Sara says. "Liam getting cussed out by Louis." I say. "Ugh that boy!"Sara says crossing her arms and looking mad. Aww she's so cute when she's mad. "You know your kinda cute when your mad." I say winking at her. Which made her smile fast. "Thanks Zayn your kinda cute when you act like a bad boy." Sara saying winking at me. I just bust out laughing. "Where here!!" I scream. "But I have nothing too wear too the beach!" Sara screams giving me the worried look. "There's a store will stop there." I say pointing too the store. "Thank god for stores!" Sara says laughing.

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