Two Different Worlds Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 {Sara's POV}

"Why must you blame all this on me! Niall you must have felt the same way as I did." Louis screams well standing up in front of everyone. "I really didn't as long as I got the chance too live my dream." Niall says looking at Louis. "So your telling me you all use too be close friends like hanging out being in the same room with each other for hours!" I say looking at all of them. "Yeah. Until Louis fucked it up but that's normal Louis." Zayn says smiling at me. I had too laugh cause he was so cute. "Well you know the story but it's dinner time and we have too meet up with the group downstairs in 15 minutes so we should get going." Liam says as he puts his shoes on. We all walk downstairs and walk too this small diner across the way which was filled up due too hundred students in one dinner place. We sat together as a group which Harry had too invite Louis too sit with us. Gosh that boy needs more brains. We where waiting too be served when Danielle and Eleanor walk over too us. "Shit here comes drama." I say looking at Liam. "Louis and Liam dears why are you sitting with these losers?" Danielle asked. I look at her like she just said the wrong thing at the wrong time. "Hey Dani. Us losers here would like you too move your slutty ass away from our table you may have caught something from all the random sex you have." I say smiling at her. "Clam down Sara love." Liam says looking at Zayn too say something. "Oh and by the way us people around you really do think your all sluts ever since Sara left." Zayn says smiling which Harry and Niall started laughing hard. Liam was giving Zayn a thanks for the help look. "I'am sorry but I rather sit over here with the cool kids." Louis says putting his arms around Harry and I. I just pushed them off cause his touched made my skin crawl. They walk away pissed off and cussing up a storm. We finally order dinner and eat but then have too go straight back too the hotel. All the boys go too there rooms but Zayn stops me before I walk in mine. "Hey after our tour tomorrow I have something special planned for us. Do you wanna go?" Zayn asked while smiling. "I would love too!" I say jumping into his arms and kiss him which lead too snogging in the hall and me pushed up against the wall. "Zayn!! Niall won't share the ice cream!" Harry say in a baby voice. "So Liam said I could have it! Go ask him!" Niall says with a mouth full of ice cream. "I guess my duty calls for me too save the day again." Zayn says while looking me in the eyes. I shake my head okay and we kiss and I head in my room and fall asleep fast.

Two Different Worlds (One Direction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon