Two Different Worlds Chapter 23

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Chapter 23{Sara's POV}

We walk into the hotel and it wasn't busy at all. "Uh can I have a room for two?" I ask the man be hide the desk. "Sure it will be £50." The front desk man said. "No! Sara! I'll pay!" Zayn says running over before I could. I gave him a dirty look and he just smiled. We walk up stairs too the room and we shut the door behind us. "What time is it?" I ask. "No clue phone is dead and I have no changer thanks too you scaring the shit out of me so I took off with nothing." Zayn says while laughing. "Oi ! It's not my fault!" I say crossing my arms and acting like I was throwing a fit. "I know I know I was joking." Zayn says. I sit on the bed and stretch out my whole body. "Yeah this is all mine I'll sleep here." I say laying all over the bed so he couldn't get on. "Your funny! You have too share!" Zayn says looking at me. "Nope never learned how too do that sorry!" I say laughing. "I'll teach you!" Zayn say about too jump on the bed. "Ahhhh!" I scream rolling out of the way and on too the floor so I wouldn't get hurt. "See sharing is easy." Zayn says laughing. I get off the floor and look at him. "Yeah making your girlfriend fall on the floor great sharing skills." I say. "Girlfriend it's weird hearing that." Zayn says while he got up. "Oh sorry." I say looking at the ground. "Yeah.." Zayn says looking at his hands. I look up and walk outside too the balcony. I have no idea if this will work he doesn't even like the word GIRLFRIEND. I shut the door behind me and just stand there looking at the beach. What am I gonna do.. What if he doesn't really wanna be with me. I'am looking at the beach when I see Zayn walking out towards the beach. "I'am going home." I say in a low voice and went straight too the screen door then out the bedroom door. I walk down the stairs running into Zayn. "Where are you going?" Zayn says looking at me with a worried look. "Home." I say trying too pass him but he blocks my way. "No! Why?" Zayn says looking at me. "Zayn I like you a lot and I haven't like another person since Louis and then you came along and I fell hard for you and I have no idea why! You don't see me as your girlfriend and I know and understand that and I am sorry I kept trying." I say with tears falling down my face. "I love you." Zayn says. "What!" I scream. "Yeah.. I haven't dated anyone in a few years and when you came into the picture I fell hard too. I am just scared too be in a relationship. But I now know you are too so we can work throw it together. If you want too." Zayn says with a tear going down his cheek. I brush it away and smile at him. "I would love too go on this crazy adventure with you." I say smiling at at him.

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