Two Different Worlds Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 {Zayn's POV}

I'am sitting in my dorm when I hear a knock at the door. I get up and try and look for a shirt but I can't find one. "Fuck it!" I say in a low voice. I open the door and see Sara just eyeing my chest. "Like what you see." I say laughing. "Shut up!" Sara says while blushing. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I was bored in my dorm and wanted too see if you wanted too do something?" Sara says smiling. "I kinda don't wanna go out wanna watch a movie here?" I ask. "Sure!" Sara says while she walked in the room. "Umm why is Harry's side the only clean spot in this flat?" Sara says looking around the room. "Clean freak." I say laughing. "Okay." Sara say shaking her head. I put a movie on and jump in the bed. "Come lay down." I say patting the spot next too me. She lays down next too me a little bit far away from me like I bite or something. I grab her and pull her closer too me. "Much better." I say laughing. "Zayn are things gonna change now?" Sara says looking at her phone. "What do you mean?" I say pulling her chin up too look at me. "Are we gonna still have too act like we hate each other in school." Sara says looking at me. "No I want everyone to know the head cheerleader is dating the bad boy of the school." I say winking at her. "Zayn your crazy!" Sara says laughing. "I know I am. But really I don't care what anyone thinks as long as where happy they can shove it." I say smiling. Sara leans in and starts kissing me. I pull her closer too my chest then I pull her on top of me and at this point where snogging hard. But then I hear a noise and try too look but Sara was blocking my view so I just kept going. "Sara and Zayn sitting in a tree S-N-O-G-G-I-N-G!" Harry says while laughing. "Ah my eyes!!!" Niall screams while running too the loo. "Sara...I have too go." Liam says leaving. Sara gets off me and runs after Liam. "You suck!" I scream at Harry. "No I don't! I like pussy!!!!" Harry screams at me. "Harry your an idiot! He meant you suck cause we broke up the snogging." Niall says laughing so hard he fell on the floor. "Ohhh..." Harry says shaking his head slowly.

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