How do I choose between my head and heart?

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Melody's POV

A week has gone by since I spent the weekend with Nathan, I told the girls what happened and ever since, they have encouraged me everyday to think about a relationship with him and well that has never left my mind, he has never left my mind. We have a weird relationship to be honest we are still friends, well best friends, we're together as much as we can be and he is always stealing kisses, even infront of the guys, Jay thinks we might aswell get together and well I am considering it.

At the moment I'm laying across Max's siva with my head in Nathan's lap while Max and Michelle sat opposite in their own conversation. I felt so relaxed as Nathan's hand glided through my hair stroking softly. He leant down and kissed me softly and lightly, then he mumbled into my lips "Would you mind moving gorgeous I need to pee."

I smiled at his innocenceand replied "charming nath."

I sat up and watched him walk out the room, I curled up on the siva wrapping Nathan's orange hoodie, which I've claimed as my own, around me tighter, I sighed and saw Max and Michelle looking at me "what?" I asked confused

"I can't see how you two are not together" Max answered, I sighed and hugged my knees to my chest

"she's not denying it, you want to be in a relationship don't you?" Michelle added

"I always have, its just my heart says yes but my head says no, and I've always listened to my head, but now I don't know anymore."

I huffed looking back to make sure Nathan wasn't there, I then turned back to Michelle as she licked at me sympathetically "maybe its time to start following your heart then babe" she smiled wisely. I nodded just as Nathan walked in sitting beside me and wrapping an arm around my waist, I blushed at the closeness while considering what Michelle just said, maybe its time to follow my heart.

The next day all I could think about when I got up was the conversation. I trailed into the kitchen to see all the girls laughing, still in their pj's, I smiled and made myself some tea.

"hey Mel you going to the cinema with the boys today?" I nodded, it was the first day in a while that they had off I wasn't going to miss it for the world. I smiled at the girls and sat at the counter with them but spaced out thinking about my heart making me more sure of what I wanted, I came out of my trance as I heard someone shouting " Mel, Mel, MELODY!!" it was Lily waving a hand in front of my face, I looked at her giving her a small smile

"we lost you for a bit there" she laughed

"she was day dreaming about Nathan" Trash teased, I sighed and sipped my tea

"what's wrong now babe?" Amber asked side hugging me

"I'm just confused, me and Nathan act like a couple but we're not one and I'm the only one who's stopping it, its just hard to choose between my head and heart" I groaned

"hunni go with whatever one is shouting the loudest" Brooke answered sitting beside me, I nodded and continued

"Nathan's so perfect I mean he is all round gorgeous, but its the little details I love, like the way his lips are curved like a harp and when he smiles it reaches his eyes, how his eyes are not only green but are surrounded by blue with flecks if gold, Iove how his hair is perfect no matter what he dies with it, I love the freckles on the side of his neck, I melt at the sound of his gloucester accent and near enough faint at his angelic singing voice, he has the most caring and bubbly personality I gave seen and it hurts me to think he's self conscious, I love how he appreciates the little things like a smile or a compliment from a complete stranger......" I trailed as the girls looked at me with knowing looks "girls I think I love him, I think I'm going to go with my heart."

i'll be your strength (nathan sykes fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now