personal soldier

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A/N hey guys i really am so happy with your reviews your all being so nice. in this it is Nathans and Melody's POV though Nathans is a little short. thank you i love you all :) -shannonxxxxxxxx

Nathans POV

I watched as the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on rushed past us all I could think of was to chase her but I didn't know if it would be the best idea, I looked at the others pleadingly then at Brooke she nodded as if to give me permission, I didn't even hesitate i ran after her faster than I ever had and that is hard for me because of the whole asthma thing. I ran to find my angel sitting up against a wall hugging her legs crying her eyes out, it killed me to see her this hurt, what was I going to do? she started whimpering and I couldn't help my self I sat next to her pulling her on my lap enveloping her into a hug. I didn't want to let go, I couldn't let go, she was to fragile to let go. She gasped a little at my embrace but relaxed after a second obviously knowing it was me, I need to talk to her now, after all even though it pains me i'm her 'best friend' she needs me.

Melodys POV

I shuffled down the wall crying my eye's out, after a short while I heard someone approach me but thought nothing of i, the foot steps stopped and I felt someone sitting down beside me, the stranger pulled me onto their lap and I gave out a gasp and stiffened slightly, then I smelt his aftershave, Paco robane it was Nathan, I smiled to myself and instantly felt safe. We sat there hugging for a little while when finally he spoke up "Hey babe you ok, you kinda scared me back there." I shuffled in closer becoming quiet the he spoke again "you don't have to tell me whats wrong, you Will in your own time, please just tell me your ok." he sounded like he was pleading with me towards the end like he was worried about me. I looked up into his emerald green eyes that shone with so much life yet with so much concern, I stayed like that for a while then noticed I should say something "Nathan i'm fine well as fine as I can be, look please don't worry I promise I will tell you later just not now i don't want to ruin every ones mood, please Nathan." I looked at him pleadingly and saw understanding cross his face and smiled as he said "ok babe" as he said that something else shone in his eyes something that looks so familiar but yet so alien to me.

We sat this way for a little whie longer, then I decided to get up, everyone must be wondering where we got to. When I got up I saw nathan with a look of confusion on hs face so I smiled and said "well I wanna go on some water rides before I leave." I flashed him a smile as he got up he wiped some tears that still stained my face from under my eyes and then wrapped his arms round my waiste, and while looking me in the eyes he said "whatever is wrong remember you are beautiful and you don't need to hide anything, I love who you are." with that i hugged him which felt like the 100th time today, when we pulled away I said thank you and pecked him on the cheek.

we walked towards everyone as they were still where we left them, they looked at me with concerned eyes, then Max spoke up "are you alright darling?" I glanced at Nathan then turned back and said "I'm fine you know mood swings and all." I smiled broadly at them all and they all laughed at me, we were all back to normal, Brooke came over to where i was stood close to Nathan and hugged me while whispering "Are you going to tell him?"

"Yeah I will do it when its just me and him I trust him enough for him to know." she pulled away and kissed me on the cheek before going back to Jay. we all lined up to wet wet wet and you could here the screams of the people going down it, me and Nathan watched as Jay and Brooke went down it together, then I felt Nathan wrap his arms around me and say "lets go together" I nod and soon enough we are getting absolutely drenched going down the slide. when we finally get off everyone is drenched and me and Nathan are laughing at each other, I blush when i realise Nathan has his arms wrapped around my waist, i pull away giving him a small smile. Just then Max gets a text from Kev martin telling us to get back, I pop on my shorts and trainers and follow everyone else to the van.

i'll be your strength (nathan sykes fanfic) completedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu