Last to know

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Kelsey's POV

We are three weeks into our LA trip ad the first week was a blast, it's basically a holiday, though there's only one thing that's changed and that's Nathan and Melody.

Something has happened.

In the first week they were inseparable, but recently something's gone from them, the spark is missing.

Melody loves that boy so much. Everything he does she cares about, she would do anything for him, she's deeper in love than she knows. Nathan seems to be pushing her away though, it's as if he's bored of her, it's like he doesn't want to be around her. Which is weird because we all thought he was in love with her.

Right now we are all at a restaurant, apart from Mel and Nath who are probably together, we don't know anymore.

We just finished eating when Melidy came in, dressed nicely in a black skater dress and flats. She looked at us obviously irritated.

"Have you guys seen Nathan, he was suppose to meet me an hour ago."

We all looked at each other confusion and worry on our faces.

"He told us he'd be with you."

Tom answered. She nodded, hurt and confusion flashing in her eyes.

"Ok well I'm heading up to bed, night guys" she whispered heading towards the elevator.

This cannot end well...

Melody's POV

I rode the elevator up to mine an Nathan's room, I'm hurt that he didn't turn up, I mean he could've called instead of making me wait like an idiot for an hour. I don't know what I've done, but he seems to be distancing himself from me.

I just need sleep, I'll talk to him tomorrow.

I got to our room and unlocked the door, I walked in nearly tripping over something in the hallway, I looked to see a trail of clothing.

My heart started to pound. This can't be happening. This can't be happening, Nathan would never cheat, after all he did promise me. I slowly walked forward towards our bedroom, I could her muffled moans. My hand hovered over the door handle. I turned it slowly walking in to find something that tore my heart into pieces.

Nathan was on top of some tanned brunet girl. And they looked like they were having a pretty good time.

I couldn't take it anymore, I backed up, a broken whisper coming out, breaking through,

"Oh my god"

I hit the door causing Nathan and the girl to look at me.

Nathan rolled off of her cursing.


I shook my head, becoming aware if the tears streaming down my face I turned around walking out and into the main room picking up my suitcases I started throwing everything that was mine into it.

Soft sobs escaping my lips. My eyes blurry from tears.

I looked up to see the girl leave. She briefly looked at me, with an ashamed expression on her face.

It's not her who should feel ashamed.

I walked into the bedroom throwing my stuff into the suitcase. When I was done I zipped up my luggage, and turned around to see Nathan looking at me, sitting on the bed in his boxers.

"Where you going?" He asked.

I looked at him hurt and disgusted.

"Away from you would be good right now Nathan." I spat, he looked at me hurt.

i'll be your strength (nathan sykes fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now